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2016 League of Legends All-Stars


Photo Credit: LoL Esports

With All-Stars less than 1 week away, we thought it would be the perfect time to give you a brief overview of the participants. Previous All-Stars have always been a hilarious affair with the best players from around the world coming together to show that their region is the best. Some of the game modes featured in previous All-Stars include All for One and fan favorite, Ultra Rapid Fire Mode. One thing is for sure, when pros and quirky get mixed together, the result is a spectacle for us at home and in the audience. As of writing this, the IWC All-Stars Event is currently ongoing to determine their representatives for Team Fire.

Team Ice (EU LCS, LMS, LPL)

From Europe, we see a reunion of part of the old Fnatic lineup with sOAZ, xPeke, and Rekkles being chosen. Rounding out the Europeans are Jankos and Mithy, two players who have gone above and beyond in the previous split for their team.

Bebe is probably the most well-known name coming from the LMS due to his participation in the Taipei Assassins lineup that won Season 2 Worlds. Maple and Karsa have also become household names with their numerous appearances with the Flash Wolves in recent years. Albis and Ziv are a bit less well-known, but both have shown themselves to be some of the best players from their region.

Clearlove, Uzi, and Mata clearly need on introduction as they have all been one of the best players in the world at their role at one time or another. Mouse is the top laner for EDG while We1less was previously known as GODV and will be taking the mid laner position for China.

Team Fire (LCK, NA LCS, IWC)

It’s not a surprise that all the Korean All-Stars are well known and probably the best or one of the best players currently in their role. Both Faker and Smeb are currently the undisputed best players in the mid and top lane respectively. Pray is in contention to be the best with some of the other greatest ADCs in the world. Although Bengi and Madlife currently lag behind their fellow countrymen, they are still both great players in their own right.

The NA choices aren’t really that big of a surprise also. Bjergsen, Doublelift, Aphromoo, Impact, and Reignover were basically expected from the start. There could be an argument for some of the positions, but this was what most people had pegged before the voting results even came in.

The IWC representatives are currently being determined as mentioned previously.

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