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7 New Year Resolutions for Gamers this 2016

7 New Year Resolutions for Gamers this 2016
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2016 is here, and it sure to offer new and exciting things to us, gamers. From soon-to-be-released games, updates and new gaming accessories, 2016 surely holds a lot of brand new gaming experience waiting for us. But with New Year comes the topic of resolutions, and us gamers are not exempted from it but know we’re going to make it fun. So here are 7 of our suggested new resolutions to make your gaming year a whole lot better!

● Build your own new gaming PC.

If you haven’t yet then perhaps this is the year for you to try and build your new gaming PC. There are several perks in assembling your own pc, it lets you take more control of the hardware you use and how much advanced you want your pc to become. Besides don’t you want to feel the “accomplishment” of pressing the power button and see that everything works perfectly? It’s like you’ve given birth to an AI spawn, believe me!

● Steam machine–up for a try?

2015 had introduced us to a new gaming console, the steam machine. Unlike PS4 and Xbox One, the steam machine completely works with a Linux OS and has a more user-friendly interface compared to the other two. And since, it’s connected to Steam; you are pretty much free to access any games that are available to download on Steam.

● Try a new game out of your usual genre.

If you’re always playing League of Legends, DOTA 2 or Smite, and other MOBA games, why don’t you try verging to a new genre like MMORPG or role playing games? There are several good games in the market; some are even free to download online like TERA, Skyforge and Guildwars 2. For RPG games, there are Witcher 3, Fallout 4 and Assassin’s Creed. It wouldn’t hurt for you to try something new this year, right?

● Try out some indie games.

Do you know the game Friday Night at Freddy’s? That, sir, is an indie game, and yes it did gain popularity. Although most indie games offers lower graphics and simpler plots, they are fun and some of them are indeed worth playing like Hyper Light Drifter, No Man’s Sky, Transistor and Kerbal Space Program.

● Attend gaming and technology conventions.

I don’t care if you’re finishing Witcher 3 or Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate, a gamer must not be lazy to attend a gaming convention. If you haven’t tried then perhaps this is the right year to start meeting out new people who have the same interest as you. You can also know a lot more of things about your favorite game and know the latest games to be release.

● Cosplaying your favorite computer game character.

Another interesting thing about conventions is cosplay. Lots of people and fans will wear out their favorite characters’ clothes and act like them. It’s fun, and it lets you interact with other people as well. It’s like you have one day to live like you’re character.

● Create your own gaming blog.

If you’re a hardcore gamer, and has a critical eye on bugs, graphics and gameplay, and would pretty much want to air his sentiments then I suggest that you should create your own gaming blog. If you’re not fond of writing then create your own Youtube channel and videos, and describe the games you have played. It’s a whole new hobby you can start with.

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