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Famfrit Raiding Creator Savage – 3.55 Update

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Amidst numerous servers of “try hards” and longtime players lies Famfrit, a more casual area with a dense population. There are, however, many players who still challenge the progression content despite the more laid-back community. As the game slowly takes away more and more incentive to tackle the raid system other than for bragging rights, we hope to turn the spotlight on those who dare to take on what makes FFXIV less of a grind and more a sophisticated dance with death.

This is not the final chart and will be updated but the cut-off was mostly for A10S clears and from the last time we had a chart, a lot of groups went on to beat A11S and A12S.  For those still struggling with A11S, you have Dun Scaith and another week of books to help catch you up.  The first half of the final phase is difficult but I believe your groups can go the distance.  Just keep pushing and the clear will come.

The next link will take you to the rosters (some before reforming) – and for some of the new groups, no rosters could be found but for historical purposes we decided it was best to just include the group name.  In a month we’ll be updating the chart again and including every rosters but this time around there were either reforming groups or their group disbanded so written rosters are held off for now.  Another thing to note is that there are disbanded groups on the chart but we kept them in there for the history and the time they cleared A11S.  We invite other groups to form and clear so they can get on the chart.

Some groups did not have a name so we either gave them one or found it on FFLogs.

For A12S, Famfrit saw six mid-core groups complete the entire tier within three months of the Creator releasing which was to be expected.  The casual groups saw their clears in the last few weeks because of breaks in holidays and their overall casual raiding nature.  In total there are 17 groups that have beaten the entirety of Creator but there might be a few more in the coming weeks which will be reflected the next time we post this with the rosters.

If you have questions or have something to tell me, you can contact Genos Axel in-game or on Discord if we share a server.  Furthermore, you can also tweet at me

Graphic Chart credit to Jessica Cornelius

My parting message is that it’s not too late to form and give raiding a try.  Creator Savage is the most accessible tier and any group with any kind of schedule can clear in its entirety.  My group raids two hours a day for only two days a week and we were able to clear A12S in a reasonable amount of time.

Interesting fun notes:

  • Axiom is the longest running raid group going together since the release of Bahamut Coils.  Shots Fired, Excel, and Dawn being tied for second.  Axiom and Dawn have beaten A12S since this post.
  • Reign is the only FC on Famfrit to have beaten the entirety of Alexander when all floors were relevant.
  • Four of the groups in the chart are from the FC Rule of Rose.  Excel, Vitae, and Reign have two groups each.
  • Most raid groups on the server have a Vitae or a Reign member in them.
  • More FCs were represented this time around whether it’s in a reform or not.  Horus, Honor, Omega, 7SINS, Aria, Baha, AVLN, and Arcan are examples of new FCs being represented.

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