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Zoe: The Aspect of Twilight

Riot has recently posted their newest champion, Zoe: The Aspect of Twilight, in a teaser on their Youtube channel.]

Video Credit: Riot Games

From the teaser so far, it seems like Zoe has a set of abilities well suited for chasing down enemies. The first ability introduced was an ability reset whenever her enemies used an ability. So if an enemy used flash, they generate a little bubble with a flash icon for Zoe which she can pick up and use. This also works with active items such as Protobelt. It isn’t really clear whether or not this ability is a complete reset of abilities Zoe has or whether she just temporarily gains the ability when she picks up the bubble. Her next ability seems to be a stun that she can toss in an area and if her enemies step in it, it stuns them. Another one of her abilities seems to be a warp portal that teleports her a short distance. So far, this seems to be the features that Riot has teased with more information coming from them in the future.

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