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Rust is Finally Coming Out of Early Access this February

Rust Coming Out in February
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It was in 2013 when Facepunch Studios first released Rust into Early Access. Since then, the game was continuously developed, catering to the community feedback. But after over four years, Rust is finally leaving Early Access on Steam and is moving to the next stage in its development.

In an official statement by Facepunch Studios which was posted on their blog, Rust will leave its Early Access on February 8, 2018. According to the developers, part of leaving its early access is to make the development more stable. With that being said, the game will be transitioning to monthly updates. However, the developers also cleared that these updates aren’t going to work unless people are playing them, so their solution is to have another version of Rust that will be available to play alongside the “stable” version.

The first version will be the Main Branch will have the monthly tested updates and will also come with smaller irregular hotfixes between them. Staging Branch, on the other hand, will have bleeding edge, daily updates.

Players can have both versions installed at the same time, and Facepunch Studios hopes to get servers on the staging version that are populated all the time and help the updates that are coming to the Main Branch at the end of the month.

While the game is transitioning, developers hope that players will not compare to some other finished game. If there is any comparison the gamers should have it mind, it is to compare the game now to how it was when it first entered into Early Access. Fans should think of the game as leaving the prototyping stage and entering into Alpha, or rather a more stable version of the game.

Last but not the least, the transition also means that the game’s price will be increasing from $19.99 to $34.99.

Rust is an action-adventure survival video game for Microsoft Windows PCs and gaming laptops, Linux and Macintosh systems. You can download it on Steam.


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