In our previous article, we featured one of League of Legends’ new legendary skins — Eclipse Leona. And we’re not done yet. Like we previously stated, the upcoming 8.23 PBE Cycle is featuring eight new skins. Aside from Eclipse Leona, it also includes the five Pajama Guardian skins for Ezreal, Lux, Lulu, Soraka, and Miss Fortune. Last but not least, a new theme skin called Coven for Camille and Lissandra.
The new Coven theme features dark and enigmatic skins for our champions that uncover the lore about the ancient servants who serve the long-dead gods, and are now returning to the realm to show their power.
Let’s check out these two new skins:
Coven Camille
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3V_9cSs_vc&w=560&h=315]
As the ancient world grows dark, the servants of long-dead gods are preparing for their return, and one of them is Coven Camille.
The new skin Coven Camille has arrived in the Summoner’s Rift to dice her foes. The skin features a new model and textures, including new legs and an outfit accented with blacks and dark purples. It also has a new spell VFX that send chills and strange vibes, and new SFX with dark and balanced runic hits. Coven Camille also brings a new recall animation that swipes around and uncovers lost power.
Coven Lissandra
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBxfj7L4oV4&w=560&h=315]
Coven Lissandra has awakened to serve the long-dead gods and unleash the power of darkness.
The new Coven Lissandra skin haunts the Summoner’s Rift gracefully. The skin includes a new model and textures, giving Lissandra a high-fashion greyish purple gown. It also features new spell VFX with beautiful purples emanating from her spells, new SFX that fit a sorceress of her caliber, and new recall animation that ports her home as she shows the power of her crows.
Coven Camille and Coven Lissandra are available for 1350 RP. They are already available to play on PBE, and you can check them out by downloading the latest PBE patch of League of Legends on your Microsoft Windows PC or gaming laptop.