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Marvel Releases Avengers Prequel Novel

Watched that the prequel novel of Marvel's Avengers

With Crystal Dynamics and Eidos Montreal’s Avengers game set for next year’s release, Titan Books have announced that they will publish an official prequel novel that will directly tie into the events of the game.

The prequel novel is titled, Marvel’s Avengers: The Extinction Key, and will follow the story of the Avengers and their allies as they battle an ancient organization called the Zodiac. 

The Avengers team present in the novel comprises Captain America, Iron Man, Black Widow, Thor, and Hulk. The novel will also feature Doctor Strange, Doctor Voodoo, and other SHIELD agents. Together, they work to stop Zodiac from obtaining a powerful weapon called the Zodiac Key.

The Marvel’s Avengers: The Extinction Key is written by New York Times best-selling author Greg Keyes and is scheduled to be released on March 31, 2020, before the game’s official launch. This book will be one of the first two books Titan will publish next year. The other is the official art book for Paul Davies Marvel’s Avengers and is titled Marvel Avengers: The Art of the Game.

Marvel Avengers: The Art of the Game is scheduled to be released on September 1, 2020. The artbook is said to feature the designs, gears, outfits, and abilities of the Avengers. It also gives a detailed look at the different environments and missions present in the game.

These two books are the first entries in the collaboration between Marvel, Square Enix, Titan Books, and developers Crystal Dynamics alongside Eidos Montreal.

Square Enix officially revealed the new Marvel Avengers game at E3 2019. It is a co-op, team-based video game that will feature live-service elements along with a full single-player mode. The game is scheduled to be released on May 15, 2020, for Microsoft Windows gaming PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Google Stadia.

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