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‘Sniper Elite 5’ Pre-release Update

Play as part of a covert US Rangers operation to weaken the diabolical Atlantikwall fortifications along the coast of Brittany, Karl makes contact with the French Resistance. Soon they uncover a secret Nazi project that threatens to end the war before the Allies can even invade Europe: Operation Kraken. It’s Karl’s mission to take out the high ranking Nazi officers and end Operation Kraken once and for all.

Sniper Elite 5 will be based upon real-world locations from France in 1944, the new game maps are the largest and most immersive in the franchise’s history. The game’s new traversal system offers players an even greater sandbox of options when it comes to taking out their targets. Players can even invite a friend to help them on their mission with enhanced co-operative gameplay options.

This new installment continues the franchise’s unparalleled tactical sniping experience complete with incredible ballistics and an enhanced kill cam, taking the genre-defining feature to the next level. New customization options allow you to adjust your rifle, other weapons and ammo to suit the mission and your play style.

This exciting new video for Sniper Elite 5 showcases the game’s features and game modes, including the first glimpse of multiplayer and Invasion Mode.

Sniper Elite 5’s expansive campaign is set in France in 1944 and centers around the events of D-Day. Elite marksman Karl Fairburne uncovers a Nazi plot called Operation Kraken that could turn the tide of the war back in their favor.

Working in the shadows behind enemy lines, Karl has to use all the skills at his disposal to destroy Operation Kraken and the mastermind behind it Abelard Möller. The full Campaign is playable in two-player online co-op, allowing players to team up as they fight the Axis force and track down Möller. However, human players can also try to thwart Karl’s progress as the new Invasion Mode allows an opposing player to join your game as an Axis Sniper tasked with hunting Karl down and taking him out.

Meanwhile, the invading player can make use of AI Axis soldiers to help them find Karl’s location, creating a high-stakes game of cat and mouse. Meanwhile, Karl can utilize phones placed within the level to gather intel on the invader and their location. Invasion Mode can be toggled on/off in the game menu.

But multiplayer is not restricted to the campaign as a suite of tense multiplayer combat modes are also available. Complete with all format crossplay, Sniper Elite 5’s multiplayer features four core game modes each with a host of customization options, allowing players to create their own matches.

The entire Sniper Elite franchise has always been recognized for its advanced gun physics and this has been elevated even further for Sniper Elite 5. With weaponry painstaking recreated from real-world references to ensure maximum authenticity, the guns in Sniper Elite 5 contain a meticulous level of detail and all have their own unique feel and characteristics to the player.

The series’ genre defining Kill Cam has also been elevated. Clinical kills with pistols and SMG will now trigger the Kill Cam in addition to rifle and takedown kills. Bullets will ricochet off bone, causing increased devastation which is shown to the player in even more gory detail than ever before.

Also, weapon customization has also been greatly enhanced with players now able to change a weapon’s stock, magazines, receiver, barrel, scopes and iron sights as well as its materials. This allows every player to create a suite of weapons that perfectly suit their individual playstyle as well as the mission that they are undertaking.

Customization options are unlocked in the game by discovering workbenches that are hidden within the maps. At these benches, players can then customize their loadout meaning that they can adapt their playstyle and approach on the fly without having to restart a mission.

That’s not all—new traversal mechanics have unlocked even more playstyle options. The routes you take can define if you are stealthy and stay in the shadows or go loud and take the fight to the enemies head-on. The ability to climb vines, for example, allows Karl to reach new areas of the map giving him sneaky routes, great vantage points and access to secret locations further adding to each mission’s replayability.

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