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10 Most Played DOTA 2 Heroes in 2015

No one can deny the fact that Valve’s DOTA 2 is reigning as the most played MOBA game as of now, side by side with Riot’s League of Legends. And that fact isn’t going to change anytime soon. With the release of steam machines, these pc gaming consoles from Steam will surely increase DOTA 2’s fame even more. As of today, there are 111 heroes existing in the game with Arc Warden being released just last month.

And since we’re speaking of heroes, even though there are 111 heroes to choose from, like any other MOBA games, some heroes just stand out from the rest—heroes that are always picked by pro players and new players either when playing a ranked game or normal. Heroes that considered being crowd’s favorite.

From’s data, we’ve managed to know the most played DOTA 2 heroes last year. Have your favorite hero made it on the list?

1. Pudge

With matches played counting to 111,987,027 and a win ration of 50.25%, Pudge dominates this list. Often found in the mid lane, Pudge provides a durable melee and one of the heroes that can act as an initiator and disabler in the game. His ability for me is probably his meat hook which can either hook an enemy hero closer to you during a clash or hook your champion and save your ass from getting killed.

2. Sniper

Build him with Mjolnir, Daedalus and Blink Dagger, and you’ve got this small hero who can bring victory to your whole team. Sniper is a versatile and effective harasser during early game since he has a longer ranged which keeps him distant and safe from the enemy heroes as well.

3. Juggernaut

Perhaps one of the most effective pusher in the game, a late gamer to be considered, he can either make or break the game for your team. Although a melee champ, once built with the right items, Juggernut is an unstoppable pusher and carry your team to victory.

4. Phantom Assassin

Phantom Assassin is a crowd’s favorite when picking up a hero that can kill and easily escape from trouble. Build her with Sange and Yasha, Black King Bar for clashes and Helm of the Dominator for lifesteal, and she’ll kill you even before you can blink.

5. Windranger

Next in the list is the ever jolly Windranger which can act as a support and ranged carry. And with a little help from Aghanim’s Scepter, Monkey Bar and Blink Dagger, this jolly-looking red-head archer will be an effective nuker and disabler who can easily escape from clashes with her Windrun ability.

6. Shadow Fiend

Also can be found in the mid lane like Pudge, Shadow Fiend is one tough agility hero to include in the game. Dry building him with Satanic, Butterfly and Black King Bar, and let him dominate the game. Then kill Roshan and acquire the Aegis of Immortal, and watch him become a powerful carry and nuker that dominates the game.

7. Earthshaker

Like Pudge, Earthshaker possessed two characteristics that pro and noob players love from their champions: he can act as an initiator and disabler–a real crowd control champion. When he comes out as a strong hero in your early game then you surely will have to be scare when he let out his Echo Slam which can wipe the lifebars out of heroes.

8. Axe

What happened? Axe happened. He’s smug, he looks like Hell-boy, what can you not like about this big guy? He’s a durable melee and can act as an initiator during a clash. Oh, and did I mention he can also act as a jungler. Harrass your enemy with Battle Hunger then put him to his grave with his ultimate, Culling Blade.

9. Invoker

Invoker is a versatile hero that can play in mid lane, off lane and safe lane. An effective early and mid gamer, build him Eul’s Scepter of Divinity, Aghanim’s Scepter and Octarine Core along with Boots of Travel to keep him alive until the end game.

10. Slark

Another melee and carry, Slark is quite similar to Invoker when it comes to lanes: he can play on mid lane, off lane and safe lane—an agility-stealing hero which damage depends on his movement speed. He’s an astonishing mid to late gamer so try building him with Blink Dagger, Black King Bar and Shadow Walk to keep him alive during early game.

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