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EnVyUs pick up ex-Renegades members


The ruling on three of the LCS teams, Renegades, Team Dragon Knights, and Team Impulse opened up three slots in the LCS for new organizations to enter. As one of the biggest esports organizations with teams in Call of Duty, CS:GO, Halo, and many more titles, EnVyUs has announced that they bought Renegades’ spot in the LCS and will participate next split. The organization originally started in Call of Duty when ex-pro player Hastro created the organization and has since moved on into several other esports. Along with purchasing Renegades’ LCS spot, EnVyUs has also signed three of the old Renegades lineup and also picked up several of the staff. For the players, EnVyUs have signed Seraph, Ninja, and Hakuho for the top, mid, and support roles respectively. The team is still in negotiations with a potential jungler and ADC to finalize their roster in the next few days. In addition, EnVyUs have also picked up ex-Renegades assistant manager, Matt, and head coach, Hermes, to help their new team perform in the next LCS split.

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