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Famfrit Raiding – Alexander Midas Savage

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(Graphic Credit to Jessica Cornelius) also if you want a link to the image

These are some of the groups that raid on Famfrit and their final rosters before 3.4.  Rosters were collected from FF Logs and from people finalizing their teams.  I might have missed a few teams but do not hesitate to contact me in-game (Genos Axel) if you want your group to be included in the text.  This only counts for Alexander Midas Savage.  If your group did not have a name, one was provided for it.  Atlas was included because of server first but they have since disbanded and there is special mention of a couple of groups that cleared floors of Midas Savage early.

Secret Oatmeal

Tee Bao (PLD)
Fantasy Rain (WAR)
David Anderson (WHM)
Hawken Pierce (SCH)
Z’ekias Duskrunner (DRG)
Tristan Tamashii (NIN)
Ezrael Samaiya (BRD/MCH)
Evalara Fayth (SMN)

Atlas (roster for Server First)

Lavis Magana (PLD/DRK)
Jhen Heilwing (WAR)
Curty Ballistar (WHM)
Rece Ballistar (SCH)
Mash Mobuttons (DRG)
Ethereal Nijix (MNK)
Freya Gemini (MCH)
Derpy Mcgoogles (BLM)

Honorable Mention: Sigon Lay (WHM)


Fiyero Flynne (PLD)
E’lhum Nunh (WAR)
Dallas Jujulas (WHM)
Bellator Lucis (SCH)
Eren Lionheart (DRG)
Myrinea Jyotsna (BRD/AST)
Sola Najelith (MNK)
Jeffrey Almasy (SMN)
Voclain Praux (BLM)


Mike Zulu (DRK)
Auri Kiwi (WAR)
Flyan Fang (SCH)
Ahri’qi Sxuim’vre (AST)
Zeeb Khah (DRG)
Relicus Ashborne (BLM)
Montgraves D’ambrosia (NIN)
Flara Starburst (BRD/MCH)

Sprint Tactics

Yukihira Souma (PLD)
Gorge Profonde (WAR)
Rhys Lacroix (WHM/AST)
Caster Class (SCH)
Ilocano Manong (DRG)
Jak Mar (MNK)
Hack Frost (MCH)
Omega Beast (BLM)

Sub: Cherry Poppins (NIN), Zane Hyrum (BRD)

Fish Static

Rakido Manakido (PLD/DRK)
Liyonn Vargas (WAR)
Sssargon Emell (WHM/AST)
Carlbuncle Jr (SCH)
Kahare Rare (MCH)
Kanran Noir (MNK)
Xaty Delfryn (DRG)
Lumina Rhel  (SMN)

Twerk Squad

Lemsford Rolfe (PLD)
Tyronicus Lerp (WAR)
Nova Altazurra (WHM)
Arc Gurren (SCH)
Kiwi Iskadda (DRG)
Petmi Sofly (MNK)
Brienne Evenfall (MCH)
Omichu Memenzo (BLM)

Team Kupo plus Iffy

Athrun Zala (DRK)
Gatch Betterman (WAR)
Vitae Midwinter (WHM)
Kiichi Zala (AST)
Aela Brighteyes (DRG)
Vic Torious (BRD)
Iffy Sonata (MCH)
Kayuya Kuya (BLM)

Pay Piety to the Diety

Mifadsair Hype (DRK)
Just’in Credible (WAR)
Kunuma Tenebrae (AST)
The Feefster (SCH)
Leena Farron (DRG)
Blake Weiss (MNK)
Yuina Hayami (BRD)
Imania Jeanne (BLM)

Famfrit Tilt Club

Nep Hyperpotato (PLD)
Melagrath Ren (WAR)
Emily Ren (AST)
Cat Maid (SCH)
Vaiolette Zetian (DRG)
Oziah Logos (NIN)
Crème Puffiru (MCH)
Boup Boop (BLM)


Jake Desu (PLD)
Nathaniel Bartholomew (WAR)
Mary Desu (WHM)
Duck Duck (SCH)
Ryuken Mcfly (MNK)
Grimlock Transform (NIN)
Mirzi Vralis (MCH)
Andrew Ifrit (SMN)


Elyne Caelon (PLD)
Orca Fianna (WAR)
Xhris Darkness (WHM)
Foxxy Rinoa (SCH)
Ruby Yang (DRG)
Bathu’a Silver’al (MNK)
Larxi Xexiona (MCH)
Papa Waffle (SMN)


Bartelby Markov (PLD)
Acrate Armitage (WAR)
Sarlianna Nelhah (AST)
Modest Ant (SCH)
D’esoo Malha (DRG)
Jehuty X’ (MNK)
Mikh Molkoh (BRD)
Kuard Drakens (SMN)


Vyncent Highwind (DRK)
Nexium Thronebreaker (WAR)
Syriti Lessard (WHM)
Dresden Nehalla (SCH)
Ippo Makunochi (DRG)
Lana Banana (MCH)
Ehrde Airyglyph (BRD)
Yoshino Akatsuki (BLM)

Cloud Nine

Genos Axel (PLD/DRK)
Garbabe Taco (WAR)
Ellesmera Druidae (AST)
Katty Wompuss (SCH)
Miah Hoshizora (NIN)
Steve Savage (MNK)
Zane Hyrum (BRD)
Celeste Ledford (SMN/WHM)

Subs: Maguro Magnum (MCH/NIN), Lira Lune (SMN)

Excel (Team Gung Ho Bitches)

Raylo Wright (PLD)
Kranazler Zephyrus (WAR)
Alzihira Zephyrus (WHM)
Waffle Falafel (SCH)
Elurra Maluta (NIN)
Le Rev (MNK)
Riritona Popotona (MCH/BRD)

Subs: Elian Aemios (AST), Artemis Crock (MCH/BRD)


Viktor Redsteele (DRK)
Mikael Siborn (WAR)
Tekele Cotton (WHM)
Emma Crofte (SCH)
Zaldane Ryder (DRG)
Kat Swiller (NIN)
Tokiki Toki (MCH)
Naois Oldaric (SMN)


Schwars Materia (DRK)
Katja Skyclaw (WAR)
Yoko Scarlight (WHM)
Kikkas Renswick (SCH)
Lea Gilhea (DRG)
Laura Shirley (MNK)
Zexion Volts (BLM)
Ultros Lover (SMN)

Primal Asylum

Azure Enigma (DRK)
Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx (WAR)
Happy Circle (AST)
Kori Kiri (SCH)
Callis Eutec (DRG)
Uchiha Kakahu (NIN)
Nanjo Hforem (MCH)
llia Raffael (SMN)

Subs: Fantasy Rain (WAR), Flyan Fang (SCH/WHM)

Shots Fired

Morgeth Barenstark (PLD)
Renko Hikawa (WAR)
Morch Berlain (WHM)
Allie Kat (SCH)
Zakaus Zthith (DRG)
Kira Hatake (MNK)
Kazi Ratus (BRD)
Myasen Barenstark (BLM)

Subs: Toby Keith (BLM), Lalaith Firestorm (BLM/WHM), Sha’ira Mihgo (MCH/SMN)

Euphoric Sassing

Kiyo Shokenshi (PLD)
Xander Lay (WAR)
Rinc Wind (WHM)
Its Darrow (SCH)
E’datih Tiaz (DRG)
Inga Toyosaki (MNK)
Valaeris Galaxy (BRD)
Temptressa Oftheearth (SMN)


Marshall Frost (PLD)
Angelic Shadows (WAR)
M’kai Noren (WHM)
Er’iin Aplee (SCH)
Raaka Naru (DRG)
Lily Emi (NIN)
Shoe Marz (BRD)
Shy Stern (BLM)


Damien Darkheart (PLD)
Galaeron Zestanis (WAR)
Nyuu Cranel (WHM)
Fayt Averruncus (SCH)
Leena Farron (DRG)
Mousimus Maximus (NIN)
Flavius Aquila (MCH)
Hirst Valkyrie (SMN)


Dartane Moonsong (DRK)
Kat Beth (WAR)
Hitagi Senjougahara (WHM/SMN)
Third Impact (SCH)
Raven Miaaaoooo (DRG)
August Fael (DRG)
Inori Aiba (MNK)
Sermyth Azurane (BRD)
Yuri Marvel (BLM)
Dita Lib (WHM/BLM)


Fate Crystaline (DRK)
Tobiichi Origami (WAR)
Alex Vidales (WHM)
Evelynn Maclean (SCH)
Andy Oz (DRG)
Asch Flint (MNK)
Mellon Nin (MCH)
Rin Hoshido (SMN)

Vitae Second Static

Heartless Sora (PLD)
Creamy Imp (DRK)
Lalafell Lafell (WHM)
Snugg Snugg (SCH)
Hyu Shin (DRG)
Nalu Vera (DRG)
Mordecain Scrythe (MNK)
Sirhc Nanya (BRD)

Shinra INC.

Commander Caine (DRK)
Ino Lockheart (WAR)
Maya Lockheart (AST)
Kira Kitsune (SCH)
Jake Leonheart (DRG)
Rogue Hitman (NIN)
Pblc Nme (BRD)
Slime Girl (SMN)

This is the end of all the current teams that I was able to collect before 3.4 releases.  If you want to talk to me, contact Genos Axel in-game!

Honorable Team Mentions:


4PM Floor Tanks

Ffamran Solidor (PLD)
Lemon Tea (WAR)
Ren Chon (WHM)
Flyan Fang (SCH)
Chiisai Desu (DRG)
Mike Fistifuffison (MNK)
Frozen Latte (MCH)
Boma Dumache (SMN)


Ballz Derp

Genos Axel (PLD)
Nox Drazhar (WAR/DRK)
Gregori Rasputin (AST)
Zachary Binks (SCH)
Wall Sunny (DRG)
Djinn Malzahar (MNK)
Taeos Arim (BRD/MCH)
Lira Lune (SMN)

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