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Europe takes home Alexander Creator Savage

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To jump into the unknown and to experience new content is a thrill for any gamer but to experience the competitive side is a whole different story. The idea of being the first in the world to conquer the content is something few can fathom. These teams go hard in a different kind of competition. A careful balance of speed, efficiency, and adaptation, players compete with the rest of the world to see just who made the best use of each pull. One has to appreciate the spectacle that unfolds as players blindly take on the toughest raids in a race to be the first the world to conquer.


Congratulations to Team Ston3 from Angered FC (Europe) for being the first in the world to beat the entirety of Alexander Creator Savage!

Raffter Senpai (Dark Knight)
Quarion Govinda (Warrior)
Elia Sand (Astrologian)
Ayesa Faile (Scholar)
Wegente Leth (Dragoon)
Ri Ze (Ninja)
Rioszz Shan (Machinist)
Leith Noir (Summoner)

Video from their World First Alexander Turn 12 Savage Clear


Congratulations to Team Anotha One from Elysium (North America) for being second in the world to clear Alexander Creator Savage!

Voxfall Valerie (Dark Knight/Paladin)
Layla Bell (Warrior)
Kionu Delvian (White Mage)
Vana Etro (Scholar)
Chyea Chyea (Dragoon)
Foldasaurus Rex (Ninja)
Rinchan Nau (Machinist)
Sfia Pirion (Black Mage)


Congratulations to Team Dysnomia (Japan) for being the third in the world to beat Alexander Creator Savage!

Denik Murasame (Dark Knight)
Curtana Almis (Warrior)
Nacio Duran (White Mage)
Mimigi Migi (Scholar)
Lelu Qool (Dragoon)
Beere Hellrot (Ninja)
Momo Ten (Bard)
Nao Cruel (Machinist)

For the rest of the coverage, Frosty is still documenting kills on the Google Doc and a graphic with the World First groups is still to come.  I will also try to get interviews with some of the players that participated.  You can follow Frosty on Twitter at @FrostyTVStream

Link to Google Doc

Thank you to all of those who participated! This was my first World First race that I have followed and it was very fun to wake up and see clears already posted and to introduce a different kind of competition to an E-Sports centered audience.  I hope 4.0’s raiding will bring the same hype 3.4’s did and I’ll definitely be there to cover it.  Until next time, Genos Axel from Famfrit signing out!

Follow me on Twitter @GenoCast

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