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Successful People Who Love Video Games

The world of video games is filled with different kinds of people. It is so diverse that you might not know that you’re actually teaming up or playing with a successful businessman or a millionaire entrepreneur. That said, let’s look at five successful people who happen to be big fans of video games.

Mark Zuckerberg, CEO and co-founder of Facebook

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg does not hide his love for video games. In fact, he gives credit to video games for inspiring him to code and build programs. His favorite game is Sid Meier’s Civilization and even mentioned it on Facebook that it is his favorite strategy game. It was also one of the reasons why Zuckerberg got into engineering. He also showed a picture of himself playing the latest installment in the series, Civilization VI.

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla Motors

A man who handles many jobs, Elon Musk is not only the chief-executive officer of Tesla Motors but also happens to be the CEO of SpaceX and the chairman of Solar City. During his precious free time, he plays popular video games such as Overwatch, BioShock, Saint’s Row IV, Kerbal Space Program, and Warcraft. According to his Reddit and Twitter accounts, his favorite video game series are Bethesda’s Fallout Series and Bioware’s Mass Effect.

Larry Page, Internet Entrepreneur and co-founder of Google Inc.

In an article posted by Motherboard, it was revealed that Elon Musk and Google’s co-founder Larry Page happen to be buddies who love playing video games together. Musk often crashes at Page’s house with his gaming laptop to play shooting games while discussing ideas. No video game was mentioned in the article, but we can only guess that they both play Overwatch or perhaps Call of Duty.

Steven Spielberg, Renowned Director and Producer

Known as a pioneer of the new Hollywood era, Steven Spielberg rose to fame for directing many of the highest grossing movies ever like Jaws, E.T., and Raiders of the Lost Ark. Aside from being a director, Spielberg is also a big fan of video games. In fact, he was behind one of the most profitable video game franchises in the history, Medal of Honor. Spielberg was the one who introduced the idea of a World War II shooting game. He seems to have a knack for shooting video games as he was also seen playing Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege last E3 2015.

Richard Branson, Founder of Virgin Group

Billionaire Entrepreneur Richard Branson showed his love for gaming when he announced in 2012 the launch of ‘Virgin Gaming.’ It is a program where players around the world can join online video game tournaments and win cash prizes. It is now known as ‘WorldGaming’ and happens to be one one of the most popular platform that hosts matches and tournaments for consoles and PC gamers.

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