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Apex Legends Introduces New 3v3 Arenas Mode

Apex Legends - Arenas

Apex Legends is entering another season, and this time, they will add a new and permanent 3v3 game mode. This new game mode addition is called Arenas. Unlike the other game modes in Apex Legends, Arenas is not a battle-royale game.

Arenas is a multi-round 3v3 mode that has similarities to Valorant and Counter-Strike. In this game mode, players fight on smaller maps than the usual maps in battle-royale mode. Each player will have one life per round to outplay the enemy time. Arenas feature conclusive games that can end in three rounds, but each match can go as far as nine rounds. This is possible if the team faces sudden death, especially if they cannot outsmart their enemies.

In Arenas, each player can use the same weapons and characters as they do in the game’s battle royale mode. But this game mode still features different gameplay. For example, there is no looting in this game mode. Instead, players will encounter a shopping phase before the start of each round. During this phase, players can purchase any weapons, consumables, or upgrades. You can also purchase character abilities to keep balanced gameplay in this mode. Each player will also have to buy charges of their tactical and ultimate skills instead of the usual cooldown system.  The currency for the shopping phase will be provided at the start of every round. Added bonuses will be awarded for each kill and win, similar to other PvP shooters. Just take note that each player’s equipment will reset at the start of each round to keep the time limit of each match to 15 minutes.

Apex Legends New 3v3 Arena Mode

Apex Legends - Arenas Gameplay

When it comes to maps, Arenas features smaller maps than its battle-royale counterparts. It also has more pen ground and named locations to fight over. The game mode also features the classic battle royale circle, where staying inside the circle is a must to win each round. 

When Arenas launches in Apex Legends, it will introduce two maps: the Party Crasher and the Phaserunner. The Party Crasher is set on a ship that crashed into a down plaza. While the Phaserunner is set in a rural and open area with long sightlines. More maps are currently in development and will be added once they are ready.

If you want to check out the game. You can download Apex Legends on your gaming PC, Xbox One, PlayStation, or Nintendo Switch for free.

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