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Ian Kane

DayZ Livonia Review

DayZ LivoniaBohemia Interactive My digital avatar looked down at the crumbling town from the heavily-forested ridgeline. I didn’t spy any movement in the settlement but was still leery of entering it since I’d just joined the server and was unarmed.… Read More »DayZ Livonia Review

Samurai Shodown Preview

Samurai ShodownSNK / Athlon Games Back in the 90s it seemed like everybody and their mother was coming out with some sort of fighting game. The Street Fighter series was probably the most dominant and widely recognized brand. And then… Read More »Samurai Shodown Preview

Predator: Hunting Grounds Review

Predator: Hunting Grounds Illfonic / Sony Interactive Entertainment Asymmetrical shooters have been gaining steam (no pun intended) over the last several years. The ubiquitous title, Dead by Daylight, has paved the way since its debut back in 2016, inspiring many more developers… Read More »Predator: Hunting Grounds Review

XCOM: Chimera Squad Review

XCOM: Chimera Squad Firaxis Games / 2K Games The XCOM franchise is legendary among gamers and even known by some non-gamers. Its brilliant blend of tactical isometric combat, coupled with strategic elements where you build up your alien-hunters’ secret base,… Read More »XCOM: Chimera Squad Review