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Nam Hoang


Starting at 3PM Pacific Time today, November 26th, 2014, you can grab the Fang Mini R9 ultra small form factor PC for just $99 after mail in rebates.

Syber Vapor vs. The Field

Will upgradability be the deciding feature to help Syber’s Vapor gaming system edge out the competition?

What is VenomX?

We’ve recently launched our VenomX Performance Upgrade and customization service. What does that mean exactly? Read this post to find out.

Red Bull Battle Grounds Atlanta Powered by CYBERPOWERPC

Red Bull Battle Grounds Atlanta is taking place this weekend and features 128 top StarCraft 2 players from around the globe duking it out for a shot at the Grand Finals in Washington D.C. in September.

Mine-O-Rama 2014 Postponed

Mine-O-Rama, one of the largest non Mojang-affiliated Minecraft conventions to be announced, appears to have been postponed or cancelled.

How To Be a Better Jungler

Kevin “Kez” Joen of Complexity Gaming shares some insights on how to become a better jungler in League of Legends

Making StarCraft 2 More Accessible

qxc suggests a number of changes that he feels would reduce StarCraft 2’s learning curve and make it a more accessible game. He states that such a change is necessary for the game’s continued growth.

Thoughts from Westrice

Westrice goes over coL’s current position in the LCS, as well as what LCS means to him.

coL.qxc’s Guide to Coaching

Kevin “qxc” Riley of Complexity Gaming discusses the usefulness of coaching and the importance of finding the right coach when it comes to improving as a StarCraft player.

Raising an eSports Fan

Evil Geniuses’ Web Content Developer Justin Duke’s 4 year old daughter is made of sugar, spice, and encyclopedic knowledge of DotA 2. The lesson? Being a lifelong fan of eSports is not something to be ashamed of.

Recent Thoughts from coL.hendralisk

Henry “hendralisk” Zheng from Complexity Gaming lets us behind the curtain of his recent gaming successes and looks forward to a strong performance at MLG Anaheim.

A Discussion of Practice

Samuel “Midday” He of Complexity Gaming discusses the importance of practice and mindset on improving as a StarCraft 2 player.

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