Blizzard Entertainment confirms that they are officially ending the content development for Heroes of the Storm. According to the development team, they will instead start focusing their time on keeping the game running smoothly. Beginning this month, the game will only receive updates that include seasonal rolls, balance updates, hero rotation, and bug fixes.
Heroes of the Storm
Heroes of the Storm has a gameplay similar to DoTA and League of Legends, which is known as MOBA. It features playable characters from several Blizzard franchises, including Warcraft, Starcraft, Diablo, and Overwatch. Similar to other MOBA games, Heroes of the Storm pits two teams, each with five players, against each other. The first team to destroy their opponents’ main structure, called the “King’s Core,” wins the game. The game was first released on June 5, 2015.
End of Content Development
In their official blog post, the game development team gives thanks to the community and their support throughout the years. They also promised players that they are still committed to making sure that everyone will still enjoy playing the game and enjoying their adventures through the Nexus.
And as of this month, there will be no new content for Heroes of the Storm. This means that they will enter a phase similar to StarCraft and StarCraft 2.
Future Plans
The team will move forward to support Heroes similar to their other longstanding games, such as StarCraft and StarCraft 2. But as stated earlier, they will continue with seasonal rolls and hero rotations. The in-game shop will remain, but there will be no new for-purchase content in the future. Instead, any patches in the future will focus on client sustainability and bug fixing. There will be balance updates if needed.
To show their appreciation to its community, the development team will be giving an incredibly rare Epic Arcane Lizard mount to all. Players will be receiving this Epic mount on next week’s patch.
Heroes of the Storm is a free-to-play MOBA game for Microsoft Windows gaming PC and macOS devices. You can download the game on their official website.