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Catching up with Angered – A Final Fantasy XIV World First guild

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The last time we interviewed Angered they had just won the World Race for Creator Savage.  Now we catch up with them before the release of Omega Savage to get a few words before the next race begins.

For the live coverage of the world race you can view it here on Frosty’s Google Doc:

You can also follow Frosty on Twitter @FrostyTVStream

We’re going to jump into this right away but since getting the world first in Creator Savage, how many people have applied to be on Angered?

(Angered) Since the last progression many people in the community seemed to have changed their way of thinking in regards to Angered, we have had many applications from hardcore raiders to socials so we are becoming a very large community, I hope we continue to grow.

Are there a lot of new faces we will be seeing in the race?

(Angered) As far as in Angered, yes, Voxfall Valarie is the new tank in group one with Quarion moving to the melee role, we have also put together two more hardcore groups in “Blame Visua” and “Padmé pls” so the race will see some new faces from Angered.

What are all of you doing to prepare for Omega Savage?

(Angered) In the preparation leading up to new content, a lot goes on behind the scenes to get everyone ready for progression from buying materia, getting crafters ready, and looking at the new content at a basic mechanical level to try and prepare for the challenge ahead.

Were the new primals good practice to get the chemistry down or did you have other means of practice?

(Angered) The new primals were good for building synergy with our new tank Voxfall. Also provided practice for getting a good idea of what sort of composition would compliment our raid teams as we strive in being able to play all of the jobs to a great standard. With all of the class changes that were implemented in Stormblood, we had a lot of work to do to make sure we were fully confident in terms of composition chemistry and team synergy. We were all leveling together and we have all played together in the past so I believe the groups are in a good place.

Angered is sending multiple groups in the race. Do you all see it as a competition or do you feel like you compete under one banner?

(Angered) We all compete under one banner but to be honest we all like a little internal competition so I’m sure people have some bets in the FC on who is going to win. At the end of the day we all want Angered FC to do as well as we can and that all of our goals.

Any shoutouts?

(Angered) We would like to thank our sponsor Global Games, everyone in Angered FC & Angered workshop FC who are contributing to making all this possible, Guineabear and Eumi for all their behind the scenes work and a shoutout to all the competition running this Tier.

(Picture of Angered with Yoshi-P)

You can follow Angered at @Angered_FFXIV

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