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Dota 2 Hero Guide: Pangolier

Donté Panlin, also known as the Pangolier, is a melee-agility hero known for his aggressive and brawling-oriented nature. According to his description, he is best played in a position where he can quickly get his hand on an item advantage over the enemy.

Pangolier’s most iconic skill is his Swashbuckle, a trickster’s tool for swordplay and mobility. There is also his skill called Shield Crash, which provides him with incoming damage reduction for each enemy hero he hits and deals an area nuke. His skill Heartpiecer, on the other hand, allows him to attack to slice through enemies’ armor. And lastly, his Rolling Thunder turns him into an unstoppable rolling ball which can stun and knock back anything it hits.

Want to know more about his skills? Here’s a fun and interesting infographic we created as a guide. You can also check out his skills by trying him out on a game. Dota 2 is free-to-download on Steam for Microsoft Windows gaming PCs and gaming laptops.

dota 2 hero guide pangolier


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