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DOTA Majors Coming to Europe This Fall

The International 5 comes to a conclusion, but paves way for some more exciting Pro Dota news. Valve has announced that The Majors will start taking place next season with the first coming to Europe in fall of 2015.

The Majors were initially announced early April of this year after Valve proclaimed large interest to invest in their Pro DOTA scene. The official blog from April reads:

As fans of the game, we love watching teams compete in high stakes tournaments, but we also recognize that there is room for improvement on a more structural level. While the lack of roster stability and major focal points during the year had its advantages, it has eventually come at the cost of fan engagement and competitive stability for the players.

Now, the community has access to a few more details. The Majors will be a series of four seasonal Valve sponsored and third-party hosted tournaments, concluding at everyone’s favorite summer tournament, The International. Prize pools have yet to be announced, but it’s been revealed that any team has a chance to participate at The Majors. Any team can enter in the Open Qualifiers where the Top 2 teams of each region will be partake in a follow up tournament, the Regional Qualifiers, which will then decide which teams will be attending The Majors.

The upcoming Fall Major has been announced to be held in Europe, though no official date for the tournament has been released. The Open Qualifiers, however, will be held from October 6-9 while Regional Qualifier will be held from October 10-13. Valve warns that any teams which make changes to their roster after September 5th will not qualify for an invitation to the Regional Qualifier and must qualify through Open Qualifiers for a chance to play.

As time draws near, more details on the event will be released, and will be keeping you updated. Till then, stay tuned for more DOTA news.

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