Unreal Engine developer Epic Games confirmed that they are finally shutting down Paragon. The studio announced that the game’s development will cease and the server will shut down on April 26.
Epic Games released a full statement on the reason why Paragon is closing down, offering an apology to those who expected more from the game.
“It’s with heavy hearts we’ve decided to close down Paragon,” the statement started. “After careful consideration, we feel there isn’t a clear path for us to grow Paragon into a MOBA that retains enough players to be sustainable.”

Their statement ended with Epic Games apologizing to the game’s fans: “We have failed you — despite the team’s incredibly hard work –, and we’re sorry.”
Additionally, Epic Games will be offering a full refund for players who have ever made a purchase in the game.
The decision to shut down the game just came weeks after Epic Games announced that it will be slowing down Paragon’s development. This was because the studio decided to move some members of the Paragon team to work on its successful sandbox survival game Fortnite.

Fortnite is Epic Games sandbox, FPS game which went into the mainstream after it released a free-to-play battle royale mode to the public. Fortnite: Battle Royale gained so much success. In fact, it just surpassed PUBG’s record on the most concurrent players with a whopping 3.4 million players. The massive load of players was so unexpected that it caused some server issues, prompting the studio to pay more time and attention to expand the game.
It was this success that eventually led to Epic Games shifting its gears toward Fortnite and away from Paragon.
For players who want to enjoy Paragon while it lasts, the game is free-to-download on Microsoft Windows PC and gaming laptop, as well as Sony PlayStation 4.