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EU LCS: Return of the King


With Yellowstar’s departure to TSM last year, the reign of Fnatic seemed to be finally over. Fnatic also lost their star top-laner Huni and his faithful jungler, Reignover to Immortals in North America. With three new roles to fill, including the big shoes of Yellowstar, it looked like Fnatic would finally drop to the murky bottom half of the scoreboard. As it turned out, this was exactly the case as Fnatic would go on to barely scrape into the 2016 Spring Split playoffs with a 9-9 record and 6th place. However, in the playoffs, the team went on a somewhat magical run as they first took down Vitality, the 3rd place team in the regular season. They put up a good fight against eventual winners, G2 Esports, and in the 3rd place decider match, they took down the regular season 2nd place team, H2K in a 5 game series. Despite all the inconsistencies in the regular season, Fnatic looked like a strong contender in Europe after their playoff results.

The Return of Yellowstar

Over in North America, TSM and Yellowstar were having a stellar season of their own, finishing just one team fight away from winning the NA LCS and representing NA at MSI. However, Yellowstar expressed discomfort from being away from his home and announced that he wished to return to Europe and his old team if possible. TSM’s owner, Reginald gave him the thumbs-up and Yellowstar returned to Fnatic. Once again, one of the world’s best ingame leaders and support was back at where he made his name.

Yellowstar has been in Fnatic since the days of xPeke and sOAZ, and was one of the key parts to one of the best Western team of all time. Fnatic’s legacy began all the way back in Season 1 where they won the first ever World Championship and established themselves as one of the best teams in the world. From there, they dominated the EU LCS from its creation, winning five out of seven times. The only two times they did not finish first, they still managed to finish second and third place. At the end of Season 4, the team went their separate ways with only Yellowstar remaining as one of the original members. Fnatic picked up 4 rookies and immediately went on one of the most dominating streaks in League of Legends history. The team wiped the field in the EU LCS, finishing 18-0 in the regular season. Needless to say, they were the victors of the EU LCS that split.

Yellowstar has and will be once again, the rock that Fnatic needs. His shotcalling and stellar support play allowed him to take a completely inexperienced and rookie team and dominate the EU LCS. League of Legends might be a team game, but if there was one person that was instrumental to Fnatic’s success over the years, it would be Yellowstar.

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