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Fallout 4 Season Pass Announcements

An awesome story, an expansive open-world, and an incredibly cute dog as a companion; Is there any way to make fans more excited for Fallout 4? Believe it or not, Bethesda has been topping itself over and over again as more news on the upcoming game is revealed with its release inching closer and closer.

Bethesda revealed through a blog post from their official website that DLCs will be available following the November 10 release date of Fallout 4. Players will be able to receive full access to all DLCs by purchasing a $30 Season Pass. Bethesda comments that, “Based on what we did for Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Skyrim, we know that it will be worth at least $40, and if we do more, you’ll get it all with the Season Pass.” As of now there are no details regarding what the DLC packs will contain but with an expansive world and player-choice being a main element of the game, anything is truly possible.

Additionally, Bethesda explains in the same blog post that regular updates will be provided for free to game users. These updates will include bug fixes and visual updates along with “new features” fans can request as well. Bethesda states that they’re expecting to be working closely with the community to figure out what features players want to see in the future to ensure the fan base plays the game they want to play.

Also touched upon in the blog post is information regarding mods and creation kits which, for now, do not exist. Rest assured, however, that this feature is in the works. The post reads that “Early next year, we’ll release for free the new Creation Kit for the PC.” Bethesda explains that this is the same toolkit they use in the studio and that these features will be coming to Xbox One and Playstation 4, released in that exact order. As of now, no other timetable has been provided.

With all the fantastic news that’s been surrounding the hype of Fallout 4, are you excited to play this new game? Let us know in the comments down below and as always, keep up with for all your gaming news.



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