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Famfrit Raiding Creator Savage

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Thank you to all the groups that have participated in Creator Savage!  Also a huge shoutout to Jess Ok for continuing to maintain the progression thread on the official forums even after transferring!

(Graphic Credit to Jessica Cornelius)

The rosters were found on FFLogs, the Official Forums’ progression thread, and people telling me about their groups and clears.  Not every group is represented but this is a good showing of who is actively raiding.  Creator Savage on Famfrit had more groups participate and clear than ever before.  Midas saw 27 groups participate while Creator saw 38 groups that made it onto the chart with a couple of groups disbanding before the chart could be made.  If your group did not have a name, one was provided.  To make it to the chart, your group had to beat A10S at the minimum. For the clears, some groups may have beaten one more floor but did not make it in time of the article being posted.  For example, Flipp’n Goons and Law have cleared A11S but it was not updated in time.  Contact Genos Axel in game if you have any questions!

For A11S, people might be surprised at the amount of clears but a surge of kills came on the week of December 13th which can be attributed to the books, loot drops, and Scripture tomes gotten since their clear of A10S.  A few more groups are close but as the saying goes, “it’s just another week of books”.

Secret Oatmeal

Tee Bao (PLD)
Fantasy Rain (WAR)
David Anderson (WHM)
Hawken Pierce (SCH)
Z’ekias Duskrunner (DRG)
Tristan Tamashii (NIN)
Ezrael Samaiya (BRD/MCH)
Evalara Fayth (SMN)


Mike Zulu (DRK)
Auri Kiwi (WAR)
Flyan Fang (SCH)
Ahri’qi Sxuim’vre (AST)
Ethereal Nijix (DRG)
Relicus Ashborne (BLM)
Montgraves D’ambrosia (NIN)
Flara Starburst (BRD/MCH)


Kazuko Aura (DRK)
Cold Blooded (WAR)
L’ Archel (AST)
Evelynn Maclean (SCH)
Iffy Sonata (DRK)
Awkward Encounters (MNK)
Sermyth Azurane (BRD)
Bideos Lazuer (SMN)

Team Hasty Touch

Mifadsair Hype (DRK)
Just’in Credible (WAR)
Kunuma Tenebrae (AST)
The Feefster (SCH)
Leena Farron (DRG)
Blake Weiss (MNK)
Yuina Hayami (BRD)
Imania Jeanne (BLM)

Tilt Club

Melagrath Ren (PLD/DRK)
Oziah Logos (WAR)
Emily Ren (AST)
Cat Maid (SCH)
Vaiolette Zetian (DRG)
Nalu Vera (NIN)
Crème Puffiru (MCH)
Boup Boop (BLM)

Fish Static (IBIS)

Rakido Manakido (PLD/DRK)
Liyonn Vargas (WAR)
Sssargon Emell (WHM)
Carlbuncle Jr (SCH)
Kahare Rare (MCH)
Kanran Noir (MNK)
Xaty Delfryn (DRG)
Lumina Rhel (SMN)


Viktor Redsteele (DRK)
Mikael Siborn (WAR)
Tekele Cotton (WHM)
Emma Crofte (SCH)
Zaldane Ryder (DRG)
Kat Swiller (NIN)
Yasasi Yasi (BRD)
Naois Oldaric (SMN)

Axiom (Atlas)

Schwars Materia (DRK)
Katja Skyclaw (WAR)
Yoko Scarlight (WHM)
Kikkas Renswick (SCH)
Lea Gilhea (DRG)
Laura Shirley (MNK)
Zexion Volts (BLM)
Ultros Lover (MCH)

Cloud Nine

Genos Axel (PLD/DRK)
Garbabe Taco (WAR)
Ellesmera Druidae (AST)
Katty Wompuss (SCH)
Miah Hoshizora (NIN)
Steve Savage (MNK)
Zane Hyrum (BRD)
Celeste Ledford (SMN)

Sprint Tactics

Yukihira Souma (PLD)
Nubnub Chillas (WAR)
Rhys Lacroix (WHM/AST)
Caster Class (SCH)
Gene Godhand (NIN)
Jak Mar (MNK)
Hack Frost (MCH)
Omega Beast (BLM)

Get Wrecked

Elyne Caelon (PLD)
Bear Lee (WAR)
Xhris Darkness (AST)
Foxxy Rinoa (SCH)
Bathu’a Silver’al (MNK)
Ruby Yang (DRG)
Larxi Xexiona (MCH)
Papa Waffle (SMN)

Morning Roast

Eren Lionheart (DRK)
El’hum Nunh (WAR)
Ahldfyr Caermhas (AST)
Dallas Jujulas (SCH)
Gallian Catpaw (DRG)
Maya Va’liik (NIN)
Kiwi Pooh (MCH)
Silaqui Amakiir (SMN)

Twerk Squad

Lemsford Rolfe (PLD)
Tyronicus Lerp (WAR)
Nova Altazurra (WHM)
Arc Gurren (SCH)
Mash Mobuttons (DRG)
Petmi Sofly (MNK)
Brienne Evenfall (MCH)
Omichu Memenzo (BLM)

Cinder’s Fate

Fate Crystaline (DRK)
Tobiichi Origami (WAR)
Alex Vidales (AST)
Fate Paradox (SCH)
Andy Oz (DRG)
Asch Flint (MNK)
Mellon Nin (MCH)
Rin Hoshido (SMN)

Team Kupo

Athrun Zala (DRK)
Gatch Betterman (WAR)
Kiichi Zala (AST)
Vitae Midwinter (SCH)
Aela Brighteyes (DRG)
Kayuya Kuya (NIN)
Vic Torious (BRD)
Toaster Oven (SMN)


Devil Johan (DRK)
Sorvik Kloid (WAR)
Yoshitaka Jinsoku (WHM)
Illya Prisma (SCH)
Anexus Conminus (DRG)
Sarus Emarre (NIN)
Nova Starburst (MCH)
Lira Lune (SMN)

Shower Time Cruise Chasers

Ian Snow (PLD)
Telandra Blendrina (WAR)
Hero Sulfi (AST)
Bellator Lucis (SCH)
Eos Dawn (DRG)
Mike Fisticuffison (MNK)
Sly Hawkeye (BRD)
Akane Mirai (SMN)


Marshall Frost (PLD)
Hymlock Stravis (WAR)
M’kai Noren (AST)
Radd Fantasyxiv (SCH)
Raaka Naru (DRG)
Lily Emi (NIN)
Shinya Tia (MCH)
Angelic Light (BLM)

Team Gung Ho Bitches

Raylo Wright (PLD)
Kranazler Zephyrus (WAR)
Alzihira Zephyrus (WHM)
Waffle Falafel (SCH)
Elurra Maluta (NIN)
Le Rev (MNK)
Riritona Popotona (MCH/BRD)

Shots Fired

Morgeth Barenstark (PLD)
Kira Hatake (WAR)
Morch Berlain (WHM)
Allie Kat (SCH)
Zakaus Zthith (DRG)
Lalaith Firestorm (SMN)
Kazi Ratus (BRD)
Myasen Barenstark (BLM)

Euphoric Phallus

Rinc Wind (PLD)
Phoenix Skullcrusher (WAR)
Its Darrow (AST)
Miso Hawny (SCH)
Sarah Uchiha (DRG)
Inga Toyosaki (MNK)
Valaeris Galaxy (BRD)
Just Temp (SMN/BLM)

Harambe’s Revenge

Lysarm Aurifort (PLD)
Morgiana Saluja (WAR)
Rina Ishida (WHM)
Ashelia Celestine (AST)
Drako Windwalker (DRG)
Lu Gonghu (MNK)
Ignasse Poisson (BRD)
Emiya Shirou (SMN)
Toby Keith (BLM)


Daimante Levallin (PLD/DRK)
Gil Drop (WAR)
Derez Flynn (SCH)
Nakara Maho (AST)
Guo Jiang (DRG)
Re Suhai (NIN)
Clarity Lueur (MCH)
Giant Blobius (BLM)

Kupo Nutz

Fiyero Flynne (PLD)
Marauder Shields (WAR)
Cipollini Allium (AST)
Zachary Binks (WHM)
Kaoru Nadame (DRG)
Jericho Greywolfe (NIN)
Lenessia Averosa (BRD)
Jeffrey Almasy (SMN)

Golden Grilled Cheese

Jonah Hoppr (PLD)
Sora Yoshimura (WAR)
Luneth Exile (AST)
Celi Alicen (SCH)
Claire Almasy (MNK)
Caitlin Snow (NIN)
Poco Volante (BRD)
Brye Attica (BLM)

Largo +7

Fayt Averruncus (DRK)
Reginald Gildersleeve (WAR)
Largo Shark (WHM)
Solace Fabella (SCH)
Sky Rose (DRG)
Raine Farron (NIN)
Silent Zach (BRD)
Jaykel Bulanos (SMN)
Brye Attica (BLM)

Tonberry Kisses

Bartelby Markov (PLD)
Acrate Armitage (WAR)
Valarie Ora (AST)
Modest Ant (SCH)
D’esoo Malha (DRG)
Jehuty X’ (MNK)
Mikh Malkoh (BRD)
Sarlianna Nelhah (BLM)

Filthy Casuals

Nemesis Durandal (DRK)
Kai Zekken (WAR)
Pblc Nme (AST)
Kira Kitsune (SCH)
Jake Leonhart (DRG)
Rouge Hitman (NIN)
Aria Ledford (BRD)
Slime Girl (SMN)

Red Eyed Weekend

Jules Winnfield (DRK)
Elhaym Houten (WAR)
Vheo Shadow (WHM)
Elian Shotar (AST)
Saint Kami (DRG)
Zinaida Grayve (MNK)
Boba Blues (BRD)
Wise Man (BLM)


Chadwick Jaegar (DRK)
Lars Carey (WAR)
Katarina Winters (AST)
Saarna Shani (SCH)
Ice Phoenix (DRG)
Spedometer Nekosan (NIN)
Ventok Whiteflame (MCH)
Felix Tasker (SMN)


Vyncent Highwind (DRK)
Nexium Thronebreaker (WAR)
Syriti Lessard (WHM)
Dresden Nehalla (SCH)
Ippo Makunochi (DRG)
Asum Wikpey (MNK)
Jojomun Kokomun (MCH)
Yoshino Akatsuki (BLM)


Jake Desu (PLD)
Nathaniel Bartholomew (WAR)
Mary Desu (WHM)
Duck Duck (SCH)
Ryuken Mcfly (MNK)
Grimlock Transform (NIN)
Mirzi Vralis (MCH)
Andrew Ifrit (SMN)

Love Dragon

Haseo Pkk (PLD)
Arken Zurai (DRK)
Xion Heart (AST)
Lady Amnesia (SCH)
Phoenix Grimmie (DRG)
Sleeted Hail (MNK)
Alba Fruhler (MCH)
Morrigan’ Aensland’ (BLM)

Deadly Sins

Susu Rhiki (DRK)
Erebus Thanatos (WAR)
Shouko Kirishima (WHM)
Er’iin Aplee (SCH)
Ryuna Windslayer (DRG)
Nailah Kannis (NIN)
Morlanna Valari (BRD)
Zerk Fellthorn (BLM)

Crimson Bastards

Fayt Averruncus (PLD)
Alfred Darkwood (WAR)
Stephanie Myers (AST)
Nyuu Cranel (WHM)
Zeeb Khah (DRG)
Relian Surase (NIN)
Flavius Aquila (MCH)
Hirst Valkyrie (BLM)

Syndicate of Creationists

Ty Max (PLD)
Soarfrost Skyseer (WAR)
Ki’hala Aluun (WHM)
Tygraphis Stonefist (SCH)
E’datih Tiaz (DRG)
Maya Va’liik (NIN)
Aztec Warrior (MCH)
Alex V’kaal (BLM)

Flipp’n Goons

Saber Getsugakure (DRK)
Aiza Ken (WAR)
Aster Violet (WHM)
Tran Zall (SCH)
Morada Arpon (DRG)
Heros Merlose (NIN)
Fluffy D’katt (MCH)
Shy Stern (BLM)


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