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First Impressions for LoL 2017 NA LCS Summer Split


Photo Credit: LoL Esports

With the first weeks of summer just starting, the LCS has experienced a dramatic shift in rankings from the Spring Split. Interestingly, this split contains all 10 teams that participated in the NA LCS in the Spring also, with both Liquid and Envy making it through relegations.

CLG and Immortals’ Successful Jungler Trade

It looks as of now that CLG and Immortals trading their junglers worked out well for both teams. Xmithie moved over to Immortals, providing the team with much needed veteran experience and shotcalling while Dardoch joined CLG, giving them a strong voice and more firepower. Both teams are currently sitting tied in first place at 5-1. This Friday, they will play each other to determine who got the better of the trade.

The Fall of Titans

Surprisingly, the top three teams from the Spring Split are nowhere to be found in the top 3 at the moment, although there is still plenty of time for them to move up. TSM is currently sitting one game behind the three way tie for first at 4-2 while Cloud 9 have a 3-3 record. The biggest surprise comes with the Spring Split’s MVP Arrow and his team Phoenix 1. They have yet to find a win in this new split and are currently sitting at 0-6. Their acquisition of Challenger player MikeYeung has looked promising in their game against CLG last weekend, but they will need to start putting wins on the board soon if they want to repeat their performance last split.

Up and Down We Go

For the teams at the bottom last split, both Envy and Echo Fox have secured themselves a solid middle of the pack position currently. Unfortunately for Team Liquid, their problems with performance and roster continue as they sit near the bottom, tied for eighth place with FlyQuest. Dignitas on the other hand, have up’d their performance from last split, sharing first place with Immortals and CLG with only a surprising loss to Liquid.

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