Genshin Impact has released the third five-star playable character from Inazuma, Yoimiya, the Frolicking Flames. Yoimiya is a bow-user who holds a Pyro vision and uses her specialties as a pyrotechnician to defeat her enemies and defend her friends. Get to know Yoimiya, her stories, her talents, and what role she can play on your team.
Yoimiya is the current owner of the Naganohara Fireworks. She is known throughout Hanamizaka due to her spectacular fireworks. She is a household name in Inazuma and is referred to as the “Queen of the Summer Festival.” Her fireworks reflect her exuberant creativity and passion that leaves the people around her pleasantly surprised.
Yoimiya is also described to have childlike innocence and is often seen playing games with children or helping them find trinkets and toys. She also loves social interaction and loves to talk to others, sharing her stories and ideas.
For Yoimiya, even though fireworks may be fleeting, their warmth and blaze can stay in people’s hearts forever.
- Normal Attack – Firework Flare-up
Normal Attack: allows Yoimiya to perform up to 5 consecutive shots with her bow.
Charged Attack: Yoimiya performs a more precise Aimed Shot with increased Damage. While aiming her arrow, Pyro flames will accumulate on the arrowhead before it is fired off. It has different effects based on how long the energy has been charged.
- Charged Level 1: Yoimiya fires a flaming arrow which deals Pyro Damage.
- Charged Level 2: Yoimiya generates a maximum of 3 Kindling Arrows based on time spent charging, which releases them as part of her Aimed Shot. Yoimiya’s Kindling Arrows will home in on any nearby opponents, dealing Pyro Damage on hit.
- Elemental Skill – Niwabi Fire-dance
Yoimiya waves a sparkler which causes a ring of saltpeter to surround her. This enables Niwabi Einshou.
Niwabi Enshou: Once Niwabi Enshou is enabled, the arrows fired by Yoimiya’s Attack will be Blazing Arrows. Their Damage will increase and be converted to Pyro Damage. During this time, her Normal Attacks will not generate Kindling Arrows at Charge Level 2.
This effect will deactivate once she leaves the field.
- Elemental Burst – Ryuukin Saxifrage
Yoimiya jumps into the air and sets her Ryuukin Saxifrage, which fires forth blazing rockets that burst and deal AoE Pyro Damage. It also marks one of its hit opponents with Aurous Blaze.
Aurous Blaze
Opponents marked with the Aurous Blaze and are attacked by any party member other than Yoimiya will cause an explosion, dealing AoE Pyro Damage.
When an opponent affected by the Aurous Blaze is defeated before its duration ends, the effect will automatically pass on to another nearby opponent, who will then inherit the remaining duration.
One Aurous Blaze explosion can be triggered every two seconds. When Yoimiya is down, the Aurous Blaze effects created through her skills will be deactivated at once.
Yoimiya’s Character Event Wish Banner is now up on Genshin Impact. If you haven’t tried the game yet, it is free-to-download on gaming pc, Android and iOS smartphones, and PlayStation 4/5 console.