Genshin Impact will be releasing a new 4-star character from Inazuma alongside Hu Tao’s Re-Run Banner on November 2, 2021. This new 4-star character is no other than Mondstadt’s born housekeeper of the Kamisato Clan, Thoma. Travelers met Thoma upon their arrival in Inazuma. Introduced by Beidou, Thoma is a well-known fixer and is very good at socializing. Although he is an outlander, he has built a powerful network of people in Inazuma.
As a playable character, Thoma has a Pyro-vision that uses a polearm to deal with his enemies. Below is a list of his abilities:
Swift Shatter Spear – Normal Attack
- Normal Attack: Thoma performs up to four consecutive strikes with his spear.
- Charged Attack: Thoma consumes a certain amount of Stamina to lunge forward, damaging his opponents.
- Plunging Attack: Thoma plungers from mid-air to strike the ground below. He damages any opponents along the path, dealing AoE Damage upon impact.
Blazing Blessing – Elemental Skill
Thoma vaults forward and wishes for his polearm. He delivers a flame-filled flying kick which deals AoE Pyro Damage which summons a Blazing defensive Barrier.
Upon casting, Thoma’s Elemental Skill will also apply to Pyro himself.
The Damage Absorption of his Blazing Barrier shield will scale off Thoma’s Max HP. The Blazing Barrier will have the following traits:
- Blazing Barrier will absorb Pyro Damage 250% more effectively.
- When a new Blazing Barrier activates, the remaining Damage Absorption of an existing Blazing Barrier will stack. Its duration will be refreshed.
The maximum Damage Absorption of the Blazing Barrier will not exceed a certain percentage of Thoma’s Max Health.
Crimson Ooyoroi – Elemental Burst
Thoma spins his polearm, slicing his enemies with roaring flames. This attack deals with AoE Pyro Damage and weaves itself into a passive skill called Scorching Ooyoroi.
Scorching Ooyoroi
While it is in effect, the active character’s Normal Attack will trigger the Fiery Collapse. It deals AoE Pyro Damage and summons a Blazing Barrier. The Fiery Collapse can be activated once every 1 second.
Except for the amount of damage they can absorb, the Blazing Barriers created in this way are identical to those made by his Elemental Skill, Blazing Blessing:
Thoma absorbs Pyro Damage 250% more effectively.
When a new Blazing Barrier is obtained, the remaining Damage Absorption of the existing Blazing Barrier will stack. Its duration will also refresh.
The maximum Damage Absorption of the Blazing Barrier will not exceed a certain percentage of his Max HP.
If Thoma falls, the effects of Scorching Ooyoroi will be cleared.
Genshin Impact is a free-to-play RPG from miHoyo. You can download the game on Microsoft gaming PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Nintendo Switch. You can also download it on your iOS and Android mobile devices.