Blizzard finally drops the “Halloween Terror” seasonal event for Overwatch, offering limited Halloween-themed skins for your favorite heroes along with highlight intros, spray emotes, and victory poses. As of now, Blizzard has released 100 seasonal items which are now available.
Aside from that, this seasonal event comes with a new co-op PBE brawl called the “Junkenstein’s Revenge.” A team consisting of three players must face off a host of eerie enemies which includes Dr. Junkenstein, The Reaper, a mysterious witch, Junkenstein’s monster, and a host of zombie omnics. Together with your teammates, you must collaborate to withstand wave after wave of zomnics.
Let’s check out the trailer here:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jupt7Dh-Fgk]
And the Halloween Terror seasonal events will also introduce several Halloween-themed skins of champions such as Zenyatta, Ana, Soldier 76, Bastion, Hanzo, Pharah, Symmetra, Reinhardt, Mercy, Roadhog, Junkrat, and Reaper.
My favorite skin so far is Halloween Hanzo which shows our long-range assassin with demon-like features and white glowing eyes, making him look like one of those onis you’ll find painted in old Japanese paintings. The next is Halloween Mercy which features our healer in a seductive witch costume complete with her witch hat and sorcery book. Halloween Reinhardt looks awesome too. He appears like a powerful specter in Crusader armor.
During the Halloween Terror event, the Hollywood map will also be updated and turn into a haunting city for you to explore.
The event officially started last October 12 and will run for three weeks until November 1. All in-game loot boxes are replaced with these Halloween-themed items. So what are you waiting for? Open your gaming laptop now and check out this latest update from Overwatch.