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Humankind to be Released in April 2021

The upcoming 4x strategy game from Amplitude Studios, Humankind, is scheduled to be released in April 2021. But Stadia players will be able to play a free 100-turn gameplay scenario right now to experience a bit of Humankind’s gameplay and environment.

In Humankind, the player is tasked to lead a civilization through six major eras of human history. Through each era, the player must choose one of the ten civilization types from the selection, all of which are based on historical societies. The player will also have the ability to choose how the society will grow and evolve.

According to the developers, there can be a million different civilization patterns that players can develop in the game. All of which will be based depending on the choices the players make.

Humankind Gameplay

As stated earlier, Amplitude has released an early access version of Humankind to Stadia players through its new OpenDev Beta scenario. The early access will allow the players to try out the first 100 turns of the game for free.

Pre-orders of Humankind had already begun. And players who will pre-order the game will get free things, including:

  • a Boudicca Avatar Set
  • a Player Profile Pre-Purchase Decoration
  • a Player Profile Symbol Set

Players can also pre-order the digital deluxe edition of Humankind. This will include the following items:

  • an in-game Notre Dame pack
  • official soundtrack
  • PDF of the unit and tech

Humankind was first teased by Sega in 2019. It was then formally announced at Gamescom in August 2019.

Compared to the Civilization series, Humankind features an explore, expand, exploit, and exterminate gameplay. Players must lead their civilization, starting from the nomadic age until the sixth or final era of human civilization. This includes directing the civilization on how they should expand, such as developing cities, controlling the military, and interacting with other civilizations present on the virtual planet. The game is developed by Amplitude Studios using the Unity game engine and is published by Sega for gaming PC and consoles.

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