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League of Legends 101: 8 Best Champions for Beginners

League of Legends
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If you’re new to League of Legends and still trying to find your place in the game, and which champion to use, then fret no more. You’re reading the article you need; we got a list that mentions eight of the best champions you can use in the game.



Ashe is one of the first champions you can pick on your first games. Her abilities are quite straightforward, which makes her an excellent champion for beginners. She is a long-ranged ADC which plays in the bottom lane along with a support champion. She is easy to get used to, although you might want to keep her in the safe lane during the early game because she’s quite squishy compared to the other champions.



Annie is one of the best burst mages in the game, to begin with when you want to carry the role of an AP mid. She has a passive ability that lets her stun. Last hitting minions will charge her stun while using her Q can return your mana cost. Her ultimate skill also has an AoE stun.



Garen is a champion that you can use on the top lane. His biggest strength comes from the simplicity of his skills. Aside from that, he is very tanky and can work well as an initiator during team fights. One of his weaknesses though is his lack of crowd control. He can also work in many different team compositions.



Morgana is a semi-tank type who works well as a crowd control champion. She has ranged attack skills, an advantage you can use to position yourself a little bit away from enemy champions. Morgana can also be played as a support champion and can be very tanky by the end of the game when built with the right items.



Amumu is the best choice for users who wants to play as a jungler. He also makes a great tank which makes him a champion that is hard to kill. He excels at absorbing damage and can layout a decent amount of damage on the enemy team. Although, you might want to remember that Amumu is a melee fighter.



Warwick is another champion you can use to play as a tank. He is a fighter which can also be a very tanky champion. Garen is easy to play and features excellent ganking skills. He can pretty much sustain himself by farming around the jungle even without having any runes.

Miss Fortune

Miss Fortune

Miss Fortune has straightforward skills that you can quickly pick up compared to other attack damage carry champions. Her third skill which is called Make It Rain lets her harass enemies during the early game, and can be used when initiating a gank with your team’s jungler. Her ultimate skill also provides you with an AoE damage that can be very helpful during team fights.



Sivir, along with Garen and Ashe, is one of the first champions you can buy. You can use her to take the role of the ADC on your team. Although she offers a small range, she is best played offensively especially when paired with support champions like Alistar and Taric.

League of Legends is a game from RioT Games for Microsoft Windows and OS X gaming PC. It was released in 2009 and is now the most played video game in the world with 67 million play every month.

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