League of Legends has released a new set of Star Guardian skins as part of its event. This time, it includes Star Guardian Akali, Star Guardian Quinn, Star Guardian Rell, and Star Guardian Taliyah. These characters support the storyline of Star Guardian Kai’Sa and her mission to get Star Guardian Akali from the darkness.
Check out these new Star Guardian skins:
Star Guardian Akali
Star Guardian Akali is an on-and-off co-captain of the new generation of Star Guardians. However, her skill in battle is shadowed by the realization that the Oath she swore with her team condemned her to death. And while she fights for light with all her heart, she finds that darkness is just as powerful.
Star Guardian Quinn
Star Guardian Quinn hails from the sister city along with Rell. Together with her familiar Valor, they are known back home as the dynamic monster-fighting duo. Now, they are in Valoran City, which is a big step up from what they’re used to. But the two of them are ready to fight the darkness as they know how.
Star Guardian Rell
Star Guardian Rell is a delinquent loner who always does what she wants and when she wants. She also avoids making friends by pushing everyone away. But when she’s in battle, her simmering rage transforms her into a starlit knight who defends the meek from harm. And together with her mighty steed Sebastien, they fight the darkness.
Star Guardian Taliyah
Star Guardian Taliyah is a rowdy and boisterous fighter by night but a reserved first-year student by day. But her missions with the Star Guardians give her a chance to discover the kind of person she wants to become. Now, she surfs across the city on a giant wave of starlight, and she is okay taking her time.
These Star Guardian skins are now available on League of Legends. If you want to get one of these skins, you need to update the latest patch of the game on your gaming PC or laptop. The update will also unlock the new Star Guardian Event.