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LoL Released Space Groove Skins


League of Legends introduces us to a new fun and funky theme skin called Space Groove. This new skin brings a new look to champions, including Blitzcrank, Lulu, Lux, Nasus, Nunu & Willump, Rumble, and Samira.

Check out these new League of Legends Space Groove Skins:

Space Groove Blitzcrank

Space Groove Blitzcrank

Space Groove Blitzcrank introduces us to the Cat Planet’s fiercest warriors, Blitz and Crank. Together they pilot their merch called Blitzcrank as they plan to take over the Dog Planet. Space Groove Blitzcrank is coming to the Rif featuring new models and textures. It will also include new visual and sound effects, as well as new animations and voiceover.

Space Groove Lulu

Space Groove Lulu

Space Groove Lulu came from a planet of Pure Groove called Boogie Wonderland. She is uniquely attuned to the resonance of cosmic disco energy. With her staff, she gets creatures in the galaxy to tap along to the beat of her music. This new skin comes with new models and textures. She also gets new visual and sound effects, as well as new recall animation.

Space Groove Lux

Space Groove Lux is a normal girl from the Normal World. But when she picked up a groove-enhancing staff, she was tasked to defend the planet from the Harsh Vibes of an evil alien armada. This new skin gives Lux new models and textures. She also gets new visual effects, sound effects, and recall animation.

Space Groove Nasus

Space Groove Nasus

Space Groove Nasus is the leader of the Dog Planet. He is also a disc jockey and music librarian. Aside from this, he leads his people in rebellion to fight against the deadly shock troopers, Blitz and Crank. This new skin gives Nasus new models, new textures, new VFX, new SFX, and new recall animation.

Space Groove Nunu & Willump

Space Groove Nunu

Willump once works under Lissandra, converting good vibes into harsh ones. But when Willump met Nunu, he broke free of Lissandra’s control. The two then began to travel the galaxy with the task of bringing good vibes back to the universe. Together the two of them are known as Space Groove Nunu & Willump. This new skin brings new models, textures, VFX, SFX, and recall animation.

Space Groove Rumble

Space Groove Rumble

Space Groove Rumble has grown tired of listening to the boring music brought by Lissandra. Now, he fashioned a Groove suit he uses to stomp across his enemies and unleash powerful rockets. Space Groove Rumble features new models and textures. It also includes new VFX, SFX, and new recall animation.

Space Groove Samira

Space Groove Samira

Space Groove Samira is an elite warrior from the Hot Tub Nebula. She is now tasked to be the groovy bodyguard of Lux and help her from an impending invasion from the Normal World. This skin brings new models and textures to Samira’s design. It also includes new visual effects, sound effects, and new recall animation.


To get these new skins, make sure to download the latest patch League of Legend on your gaming pc.

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