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OpTic Gaming Bounce Back, Reverse Sweep eUnited in CWL Pro League Stage 2

                                         Video Credit: MLGCOD

Following a tough loss to Tainted Minds on Wednesday, OpTic Gaming rebounded against eUnited yesterday, moving up to second in Stage Two of the Call of Duty World League Pro League (CWL Pro League), This was a particularly sweet win for OpTic, as eUnited had previously beaten OpTic 3-1 on June 6.

In the first game — Gibraltar Hardpoint — OpTic was up a majority of the game, with Ian “Crimsix” Porter and Anthony “Methodz” Zinni leading the way with 1:26 left at a score of 233-199. However, eUnited made a crazy comeback late game, dominating Turret hill to eventually clutch up the game 250-233, with eUnited Preston “Prestinni” Sanderson finishing with a ridiculous 41 kills.

Next was Sainte Marie du Mont Search and Destroy. From the start, it was a close game, and the teams traded rounds back and forth. The turning point in the game was when in the last seconds of the 9th round (score tied 4-4), when Prestinni pulled off a incredible ninja defuse while getting hammered by an artillery barrage. Riding the momentum, eUnited finished off the game 6-4.

Despite being down 2-0, OpTic remained unfazed, bouncing back in Game 3’s Ardennes Forest Capture the Flag  to win 6-2. The rotations, frags, and streaks were all there, and Crimsix showed why he’s one of the all time greats, leading his team with a massive 3 flag captures and 20-12 performance.

Game 4, London Docks Hardpoint, was very one-sided, with Sam “Octane” Larew slaying out for a 34-20 performance, while Methodz went 25-13 with a total of 2:12 in hill time. The result was a dominating OpTic win, 250-115, and OpTic had finally fought back to force a pivotal game 5.

The last deciding game, Valkyrie Search and Destroy, was rather anticlimatic. OpTic boomed early on to a 3-1 one start, which eventually led to a 6-1 win. Crimsix was again instrumental in OpTic’s success, finishing off the last round with a one vs two clutch and his ninth kill, the most among all players in that game.

OpTic is now second in the standings at a record of 8-3, only behind top dogs Rise Nation. CWL Pro League will continue July 17, so be sure to tune in on Twitch!

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