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LoLTalk: Thoughts on 4.5

Post written by sponsored streamer/YouTuber TiensiNoAkuma. Check out his channel and stream here and here! Of patch 4.5 There were a few huge changes, here’s a quick rundown, I’m also including the Kassadin rework of patch 4.4. Index: Reworks: Kassadin Rengar Gragas Nerfs:… Read More »LoLTalk: Thoughts on 4.5

My Life Before eSports

By Mitch “Krepo” Voorspoels of Evil Geniuses Hey everyone, Instead of writing about another league related topic, I decided to look at myself for this blog. I’ll focus on Mitch rather than Krepo. Well let’s go back all the way… Read More »My Life Before eSports

qxc Speaks: 2014 Season 2 Ladder Map Review

Played on the all-new ladder maps Blizzard just introduced over the past week? Check out what qxc has to say in his review of the new maps in 2014 Season 2! Check it out below: [youtube]