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Soldier: 76 Revealed for Overwatch

Blizzard has introduced us to the newest fighter, or soldier, in the upcoming Overwatch game. Soldier:76, AKA Jack Morrison, will be entering the fray and joingin the cast of now 15 characters.

Jack Morrison, the former general of Overwatch, gives his perspective about how although he saved the world from destruction, the war continues. As Overwatch was destoryed from the inside, people commanded that the general and Overwatch as a whole be shut down. After an attempted murder on the Morrison’s life, he escaped and wears his mask to cover his identity continuing to fight on like the soldier that he is.

Anticipation grows as fans await for the game’s release and although the set of characters we have are already intriguing and mystifying in their own right, it only sets the expectations higher for the characters to come. For all things Overwatch, make sure you keep up with and let us know what you think of the masked vigilante in the comments down below.

From PC Gamer


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