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Streamer Spotlight: Ramen With Mitsu

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Streamer Spotlight aims to highlight promising newer and veteran Twitch casters, promoting their personality over what game is currently trending. Streamer Spotlight will focus on interviewing several casters each month, looking into what specific brand of entertainment they are willing to give to the audience.  We also want to bring light to other communities that are outside of e-sports.  While the spotlight focuses on gaming casters now, we’re open to interview anyone who has the motivation to share their passion with the world as a caster.

Our interview is with Mitsurugi Reiji, a staple in the Borderlands Twitch community and a World of Warcraft and Destiny streamer.  Mitsu always aims to bring entertainment to a general audience whether it’s banter about how great Half-Life is to singing Girls’ Generation’s Gee while fighting Master Gee in Borderlands 2.  He also encourages community interaction by leaving his game lobbies open for people to join because ultimately, he just wants people to play the game.  The Mitsu Show has absolutely no boundaries when it comes to entertainment and there is something for everyone.  He also loves scarfs.

Introduce yourself!

I’m Mitsurugi Reiji! I’m a two and a half year partner, video game enthusiast, and fan of world travel!

How long have you been streaming for?

I’ve been streaming for three and half long, wonderful years.

How long have you been gaming for?

I’ve been gaming since I was perhaps three years old or younger. My mother had an Atari 2600 and a Nintendo Entertainment System, and she would love to play games with me.

What inspired you to stream?

When Twitch and streaming in general first started, I was intrigued by the concept. It reminded me of a spectator mode that anyone, not just someone you were friends with, could participate in. I was often drawn to League of Legends at the time, particularly SaintVicious. His interactions and the way he carried his stream reminded me a lot of my favorite radio shows from years prior, and I realized that if he could do it, I could too. I saved up some money, put together my first streaming computer, and never looked back.

Describe your stream to people who haven’t seen it.

The Mitsu Show is a blend of video game streaming, informative discussions, and a comedy radio program. We discuss everything ranging from relationship advice, to tips on the game currently being played, to telling really, really bad jokes.

Do you think of yourself as a variety caster or do you think you bring a bit of a different flavor?

In some ways I see myself as a variety caster, but what stands out is the immense interaction and care I have for everyone who comes in and visits my stream. You get to learn about those who watch, interact with them, learn of their lives. Likes and dislikes. I like to think that extra personal touch going above and beyond what most streamers may be able to do or feel comfortable with sets me apart. I do try to keep the games I play fresh, whether it be playing an MMORPG, an FPS, an odd indie game, a retro game, or Half-Life, the best game ever. – Clip from Mitsu’s stream

Are you looking to bringing something else to your streams? For example, a podcast.

I like to think of my show in some ways as a podcast, but rather than do an hour or two, or even four like many radio shows do, I tend to stream for 10+ hours at a time every day. It’s that dedication and perseverance that allows me to meet a variety of people. I’ve also taken calls live on the show from fan and friend alike, much like a radio show, with great success. I love talking to people!

You have a lot of interesting scarves and you have them on display every stream. Which one is your favorite?

I have a collection now of over 25 scarves, some I purchased myself, some I was gifted from fan or friend, some that were made for me by friends, and some I just happened across from dumb luck. If I had to pick out a favorite, it would likely be my Portal 2 scarf from LevelUp Studios. That was the first really “nerdy” scarf I’d gotten, before that all I had were a few more plain ones and my Chelsea FC scarf.

Any advice for an upcoming streamer?

The single most important rule with streaming is to stay consistent. Put yourself out there every day, even if it’s for a few hours. Play a game you love and stick with it. Be open, be kind, be humble. You never know where it may take you, or who might stop in to say hello that may help you out later.


Oh man, shout outs to Gothalion, Morninafterkill, Charionna, Gunny, and the entire Borderlands 2 and Destiny communities. You guys are all the absolute best!

If you want to follow Mitsu check out the follow social media links:

For the interviewer, you can follow him on Twitter @Genocast

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