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Why We Game

What motivates pro-gamers to practice, day in, day out? Swindlemelonzz talks about the road he’s traveled to reach where he is now, and what drives him to keep getting better.

Introducing Riser

compLexity newcomer Riser from coL.DOTA talks about his transition from Heroes of Newerth and what lies ahead.

My Adventure to The International 4

Zai shares his experiences traveling with the rest of the Evil Geniuses DotA 2 team to events leading up to and including the International 4, where EG took home 3rd place.

Raising an eSports Fan

Evil Geniuses’ Web Content Developer Justin Duke’s 4 year old daughter is made of sugar, spice, and encyclopedic knowledge of DotA 2. The lesson? Being a lifelong fan of eSports is not something to be ashamed of.