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League of Legends

My Proudest Moments

Krepo from Evil Geniuses’ League of Legends team reflects on his eSports career and the events that really have stood out to him so far.

Thoughts from Westrice 2

coL.Westrice talks about the team’s upsetting loss against T8, and how he feels leading up to the Expansion tournament: compLexity’s last chance to retain their coveted LCS spot.

Being in Relegations

It’s always tough having to play in the LCS relegation matches. RobertxLee shares his thoughts on coL’s upcoming relegation match, and goes over some of the teams they may face.

Pr0lly On The Analysis Desk

After finishing up his stint on the LCS analysis desk, coL.pr0lly talks about his experiences.

LoL Master Rank

Riot has established a new Master Tier ranking after testing the category out in several different regions.

Lifestyle of the Pro and the Gamer

Royce “Bubbadub” Newcomb of Complexity Gaming’s League of Legends team talks about life as a pro gamer in the LCS, and what it’s like to make sacrifices in order to do what you love.

The Current Jungle Meta

By Kevin “Kez” Jeon of Complexity Gaming League of Legends is a really well-designed competitive e-sports game because the meta shifts with every single patch. This happens because champions that are considered “op” sometimes gets nerfed and people look for… Read More »The Current Jungle Meta

Gnar Rumbles In: New League Champ

New League of Legends champion can transform into a mega version and both versions have unique abilities available to players.

New Noob Bots in League

Riot attempts to make learning League of Legends easier by offering a new Player vs AI mode to teach the fundamentals of the game.

Thoughts from Westrice

Westrice goes over coL’s current position in the LCS, as well as what LCS means to him.