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Team Coast Interview Series: Daydreamin

During their recent visit to CYBERPOWERPC HQ, we sat down with the members of Team Coast Gaming to talk about life as pro gamers and how their partnership with us has helped them as an up and coming LCS team.

The first video from this series of interviews features Miles “Daydreamin” Hoard. Check out the video (transcription below)

CYBERPOWERPC: Tell us a little about yourself, how you got into gaming and eventually into League of Legends.

Daydreamin: When I got into gaming I got an N64 for Christmas and started playing video games from there and I gradually moved on to more and more games, got a computer, heard about League of Legends, and that’s when I started playing.

CYBERPOWERPC: About how many hours per week do you put in to practice and competition?

Daydreamin: Well we pretty much live to play League of Legends, so we play all day. That’s pretty much what it takes, so we just play all day.

CYBERPOWERPC: How did you link up with Team Coast, and what role do you play in-game?

Daydreamin: I met up with Team Coast through being friends with them before hand from playing SoloQ a lot, and I play support for Team Coast.

CYBERPOWERPC: What advice do you have for young gamers looking to get into the competitive scene?

Daydreamin: Well like anything in life, if you want to be a professional you have to put your all into so if you want to be in the competitive scene you have to put a lot of work in. And that’s pretty much the only advice I can give.

CYBEROWERPC: How has the partnership with us helped your team get better so far, and what things are you looking forward to down the road?

Daydreamin: Being a competitive gamer, it’s really important to have infrastructure, and having a company like CYBERPOWERPC backing us gives us a lot of confidence and preparation going into playing our games.



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