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The Best Players at Worlds


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The following five players are some of the best players in attendance at Worlds. No doubt, there will be quite a few good players missing, but these five have been some of the most consistently, high-performing players of their teams and a huge part of why their teams are at Worlds. They are listed in no particular order.

Smeb Rox Tigers


Photo Credit: Riot Games

Smeb is currently the undisputed best player in the world, usurping the throne from Faker. The Rox Tiger’s top laner began his professional career as one of the most criticized players on the failed Incredible Miracle I team in 2013. After his poor stint in the LCK, he rejoined the professional scene in 2015 with most of his current ROX Tigers teammates. Smeb is known for his incredible top lane dominance and is currently considered the best player at his role and in the world.

Clearlove Edward Gaming


Photo Credit: Riot Games

Clearlove is a common face at Worlds with three showings under his belt and his fourth to come soon. He has been considered one of the best junglers in the world for a long time, and is still in contention this Worlds. He is one of the strongest players on his team and has consistently been the shining point along with ADC, Deft.

Deft Edward Gaming


Photo Credit: Riot Games

Speaking of Deft, the Korean ADC for Edward Gaming has been one of the most consistent players and the star carry for EDG. Deft was originally on one of the two legendary Samsung teams, Samsung Blue, but he took part in the exodus of the team that took most of them to Korea. Deft and EDG will be looking to redeem themselves during Worlds from their embarrassing sweep against Fnatic last time.

Faker SK Telecom T1


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No list of the best players can truly be complete without Faker. Although he lost his title of best player in the world to Smeb, Faker still remains the best player at his role in the mid-lane. What makes Faker truly unique is his uncanny ability to calculate precisely which fights he can take and survive.

Bjergsen Team SoloMid


Photo Credit: Riot Games

The Danish mid-laner for TSM joined the team as a highly skilled import a while back and has solidified himself as one of the best North American players and one of the few Western players that can truly compete with the Koreans. After the team rebuilt around him during the spring, Bjergsen has continued his impressive run of form.

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