Capcom has announced that they will be releasing The Great Ace Attorney and its sequel for PC in a collection called The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles. This collection will also be released for PS4 and Switch. Fans can download the game via Steam on their gaming PC starting on July 27, 2021.
The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles will include the 2015’s The Great Ace Attorney and its 2017 sequel. Both games were previously Japan-exclusive games that were released for Nintendo 3DS.
The Great Ace Attorney is the prequel to the popular game series Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. The game is set during the Victorian era and focuses on the story of Ryunosuke Naruhodo, Phoenix Wright’s ancestor. In this game, Phoenix Wright works with Herlock Sholmes and Iris Wilson as they exonerate clients in the court.
A new feature in the game will be included, which is an expanded jury system. This new system enables Naruhodo to convince individual jury members of his client’s innocence. He will also be able to persuade them to change their verdict if they are leaning towards a guilty decision. Other than that, the rest of the Great Ace Attorney remains the same. Players will be able to examine crime scenes together so they can gather evidence, cross-examine testimony, and interview witnesses.
Other features included in the game are the Escapades. This will feature short standalone adventures that will flesh out the world of The Great Ace Attorney. There will also be a number of customizable outfits for each character, as well as a gallery with a chock full of concept art and music.
There will also be a DLC pack available for players who will purchase the game earlier. This will unlock more music and art in the game. There will also be dual-audio support so players can play the game with an English dub or Japanese.
Ace Attorney was first released back in 2001, and it’s one of the most popular games in Japan.