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Titanfall 2 Gameplay Trailer Released

Last year, Respawn Entertainment’s Vince Zampella revealed the development of the Titanfall 2. And just last week on E3, EA finally released the game’s official trailer.


Titanfall 2 introduces us to a new and improved multiplayer mode. It features six new Titans built with a range of awesome skills and abilities. Respawn also confirmed an offline single-player campaign feature, which unavailable in the first game. The solo campaign focuses on the pilot and the mecha’s relationship, an interesting gameplay.


According to EA, the single-player campaign will feature the story of Jack Cooper. Jack is a rifleman who finds himself with his own Titan after its original pilot was killed. The plot will reveal the Titan’s deep connection to their pilots, and that a Titan can only have one pilot. Yet it didn’t reveal how Jack managed to control the Titan he found. As seen in the trailer, Jack asked Titan why he had given him access to control him. The solo campaign gameplay will also introduce players to several new opponents.

Respawn also confirmed the multiplayer beta test for Titanfall 2 prior its release. You can sign up here for a chance to play the beta.

Titanfall 2 is set for release on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Wii u, and Microsoft Windows gaming PC on October 28, 2016.

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