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Top 5 Hardest Overwatch Heroes to Master

Top 5 Hardest Overwatch Heroes to Master
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In a year, Overwatch has become one of the most successful team-based multiplayer online shooting game in the world. With a roster of interesting heroes, each with their unique abilities, the game offers a different playstyle and a hero for everyone. Some are easier to use, while others are challenging to master. That’s why today, we decided to list down five of the hardest Overwatch heroes to learn. Check out if your favorite made it into our list.


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Zarya is a powerful, heavily shielded tank that uses a particle cannon that can shoot beams and ball of energy, and create shields to protect herself and her allies. Her gun also allows her to turn the damage she absorbs into energy to fuel her weapons while dishing out damage while defending her teammates. What makes her difficult to use is that the player must understand and learn how to properly use her barriers.


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The gunslinger McCree is a flexible hero that uses a highly accurate and powerful revolver. He is currently the game’s best duelist, capable of killing almost anyone that he gets up close to with his blinding speed. McCree’s weapon precise hit stun nature makes him capable of fighting mobile targets like Genji and Pharah at medium range. His abilities all work synergistically together which allows him to deliver tremendous damage, but to be able to do this, the player must have excellent execution skills.


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Pharah is a versatile and a mobile Offense hero. She is also capable of limited-duration flight, which gives her good escape abilities and an advantage in open-air situations. This ability also enables her to reach enemy snipers with ease. But her aerial control also makes her vulnerable to be a target by enemy heroes and well-countered by the heroes who possess a hitscan-type weapon. That’s why it requires a good player to properly learn how to use her Hover and Jump Jet to survive.


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With stealth and debilitating attacks, Sombra is an excellent infiltrator. Her hacking abilities allow her to disrupt enemies and make sure they are easier to take out. She also has a device called EMP which provides the upper hand when fighting against multiple opponents at once. When playing Sombra, the player must be able to learn how to be very stealthy and sneak around the enemy to flank them. The player also must have a good understanding of all the heroes in the game and the maps to optimize your infiltrating skills.


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Hanzo is a deadly bowman with versatile arrows that can reveal his enemies or fragment to strike multiple targets. He is a medium-range sniper with high team utility and area denial capabilities. However, most players refer to Hanzo as the most difficult hero to use in Overwatch because his skills require an insane amount of precision to execute properly. But still, Hanzo also remains as one of the strongest heroes in the game and is considered as a stealthier sniper than Widowmaker.


Overwatch is a game from Blizzard Entertainment for Microsoft Windows PCs and gaming laptops, XBox One, and PlayStation 4. You can check out this link for more details.

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