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TSM and Immortals move on to Summer Finals


Photo Credit: Esportsrank

After the final match between TSM and Dignitas on Sunday, 8/27/2017, concluded, TSM and Immortals were the two teams to move on to the NA LCS 2017 Summer Split Finals. Immortals had defeated Counter Logic Gaming, 3-0, the previous day to claim their spot in the finals. The finals will be played on Sunday, 9/3/2017, at TD Garden in Boston, Massachusetts between TSM and Immortals with the third place match being played on Saturday between CLG and Dignitas.

Immortals vs CLG

The first game between Immortals and CLG began well for CLG as they pulled ahead in the kill count as they won several important team fights. Unfortunately for them, things began to go downhill during the later stages of the game as Immortals managed to grab the Baron and use it to force a team fight that quickly ended the game. Game 2 was a continuation of the Game 1 momentum from Immortals as they steamrolled through the CLG defenses. CLG put up a good fight to start in the final game, but their lead quickly dwindled away and the situation spiraled out of control as Immortals used Baron to close out the game once again.

TSM vs Dignitas

Game 1 in this match began quietly as both teams avoided conflict for the first 18 minutes or so before exploding into action. The tides began to turn when TSM managed to grab the Baron right under Dignitas’ nose. Afterwards, the game was over in a flash as TSM won a team fight and used the Baron to win the game. The second game began with a double kill for TSM’s top laner, Hauntzer, allowing them to use those kills to propel their lead forward. With all three of the carries for TSM getting kills in the early game, Game 2 was quickly over without Dignitas being able to put up much of a fight. Game 3 was even throughout until once again, Baron made the difference. However, this time it was Dignitas who managed to take the Baron after completing a full ace against TSM. Dignitas grabbed first blood in the fourth game, but a 1 for 1 trade in a tower dive against Hauntzer slowly turned the tides as TSM was able to invade Dignitas’ jungle and pick up several kills. From there the deciding factor once again came at Baron. With an unkillable Cho’gath on their side, TSM managed to chip away at Dignitas’ health bars enough so that they could secure the Baron and use it to complete their win.

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