It was confirmed that ZA/UM is working with dj2 Entertainment to develop a TV show adaptation of gonzo detective RPG video game, Disco Elysium. Dj2 Entertainment also happens to be the producer of the recent Sonic the Hedgehog movie.
According to reports, ZA/UM game studio has partnered together with dj2 Entertainment for Disco Elysium’s tv series. However, the TV show adaptation is still in its early development stage. In fact, dj2 Entertainment is currently meeting with writers ahead of proper TV show pitches for its next year’s release.
Disco Elysium is a popular RPG video set in the futuristic world of Elysium. The player takes control of a detective who wakes up with no memory. He is immediately tasked with solving a murder case that will lead him through different political factions and plotlines. Then it only gets weirder from there.
According to ZA/UM lead writer, Helen Hindpere, the team is gratified at the response Disco Elysium has received. They are also happy to be working with dj2 Entertainment to expand the franchise for other media, and introduce the game to new audiences.
Dj2 Entertainment was founded by producer Dmitri M. Johnson, the co-producer of Sonic the Hedgehog. Dj2 is also working on another video game adaptations for a screen, including the popular action RPG video game, Sleeping Dogs.
Disco Elysium is described as a non-traditional RPG video game that features a no-combat system. It is based on the table-top RPG setting that was previously created by Kurvitz. The game was well-received by critics and won several awards for its arts and narratives.
The game features an isometric perspective which the player controls. It focuses on the story of a detective who is on a murder case and suffers from drug-induced amnesia. It was first launched on October 15, 2019, on gaming PC. It was then followed by a MacOS release on April 27, 2020.