It was in the year 1950 when English computer scientist, Alan Turing, invented a test “requiring a person to distinguish a machine from another human being by using a set of questions”, which he called the Turing Test. This is what inspired the development of Bulkhead Interactive’s newest game.
The Turing Test is a challenging first-person puzzle game that was just released on August 31, 2016. It’s science fiction, and logic-based gameplay elements are something to look forward to, especially for fans of the popular game, The Portal 2.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlMsxCXYJto]
The Turing Test revolves around the adventure of Ava Turing, an engineer for the International Space Agency (ISA) who is sent Jupiter’s moon, Europa. Her mission is to find out what happened to the crew that disappeared in the grounds of Europa.
Upon her arrival, she will face a series of puzzles, which according to the station’s AI, can only be solved by a human being. These puzzles are said to be created by the missing ground crew–but why they were created is something for Ava to discover.

The Turing Test is a logic-based game that offers puzzles for the players to solve. The main character, Ava Turing, will be armed with an Energy Manipulation Tool known as the EMT. The EMT will give you the ability to transfer power between machines that will aid you in opening doors, activating platforms and other functions to solve and complete the puzzles.
As you proceed through the game, the puzzles will get more complex, and several elements will be introduced in the game such as manipulating security cameras and drones. Overall, the game offers 70 puzzles for the player to complete.

Since its release, The Turing Test has been getting positive reviews from players and game reviewing sites. It was given by Daily Star a 4 over 5 rating and was described as “polished, playable and addictive.” While Video Games Uncovered reviewed the game as something “worth every penny.”
The Turing Test offers players a fun and mentally challenging game. Although some may call it a total rip-off of Portal 2, the game has a different storyline and bonus level to keep you entertained. Aside from these, the graphics are genuinely good, and its sounds are well-made especially its voice acting. Most of the puzzles are relatively trivial, but the puzzles get a bit harder with each chapter, and the bonus levels provide something different for the players to ponder.
Overall, the Turing Test is for people who love puzzle games and science-fiction lovers.
The Turing Test is available for Microsoft Windows and OS X gaming PC and laptops. You can download this game on Steam at https://store.steampowered.com/app/499520/